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Saturday, June 17, 2006

Off Come the Gloves

As expected the it's vs. its controversy has heated things up in Blob land. Threatened violence of the canine and pencil-related-gang-rape varieties, invective, secrecy....what more could anyone want? Here's an example from anonymous critic:

"I suspect your sense of gratitude might be displayed in a way which might be displeasing to me so I'll just stay anonymous, thank you very much. Anyway, even if you knew who I was, I know where YOU live, too. I'll give you a little hint, though: I have a ferocious guard dog. Next,I think I'd like a dissertation on the 2nd person plural as used (or mis-used) in English. I.e. "Yous guys" vs. Y'all. What side do you land on in this great debate."

Uh uh!! I'm not getting into the yous guys/y'all debate. The Mason-Dixon line is there for a reason and the American civil war was fought largely over that one issue (if I'm not mistaken). As for my mistakes I have to agree with the beaver woman...this is my blog so I should be careful but all other contributors shouldn't feel insecure about their spelling and grammar. Focus on the content without worrying that I'll be is too short.

I have a feeling I know who "anonymous critic" is. There's a spurned quality to the last couple of posts so let me just say "Back off Michaelle! I have to get on with my life. It was a fun weekend (really fun) but you have your governor general gig to attend to and I'll be heading out west for a month to visit Phyllis ....perhaps I'll call when I get back." Some chicks just don't understand the word "maybe"!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Guess again, Blob. I'd like to think your Babedar is better than that, but apparently I'm wrong. FIRST of all I'm MUCH taller than Michaelle. Actually I don't know how tall she is but even so, I'm MUCH taller. Also, her skin colour's all wrong for me. Sorry, let me rephrase that. She and I don't belong to the same cultural clan, if you get me. So, with those hints, do you think you can make a better guess? I'm JUST as babelicious don't forget. I'm just NOT Michaelle (sp?) Jean.