"I think you and your friend Colin might want to check out the emergence of proposed new Blog 'guidelines' in this morning's New York Times. It seems you might be in for a bumpy ride in upcoming issues if you don't toe the line.....The article is titled..."A Call for Manners in a World of Nasty Blogs". I would be intereted in your perspective.Best of luck,M." http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/09/technology/09blog.html?th=&adxnnl=1&emc=th&adxnnlx=1176120960-19T6LTA6uJZQ3u3GcVAUhw
As we all know the Blogsphere is a freewheeling and often contentious place where you leave yourself open to harrassment for even so slight an infraction as ending a sentence with a preposition(which is actually OK BTW).
I followed TorontoMave's advice and cut/pasted my way to the NY Times article in question believing all the while that I've toed the line and have nothing but a smooth ride to look forward to. (OOPS!!!...should that have read "nothing but a smooth ride to which to look forward?")
The article, which I encourage you to read, is interesting but to be honest has little to do with content on The Blob. It's been many months since the firestorm of controversy died down (see archives May 27, 2006 "Enough Already") after I compared the subtle differences between two low brass instruments to subtly different dog turds. While some bloggers in the Times article complained of death threats from angry readers the low brass community never quite mobilized the organized protest that I'd feared. Sometimes too much alcohol can be a good thing!
By and large my readers and I have engaged in civilized discourse and have treated all subjects with fairness, openness, and tolerance. I pledge to continue this policy but simply must make an exception for the bloody Norwegians who can all shove f#*!ing herrings up their #!&* infested $/!!/*#!! as far as I'm concerned. To make things easier it's time to spell out a code of conduct to which we as Blobbers (and perhaps bloggers everywhere) should always endeavor to adhere. I give you;
- No gratuitous nudity (I reserve the right to invoke the Rosario Dawson/Rose McGowan clause)
- Nobody wants to see pictures of your kids
- The outing of homosexuals other than televangelists is wrong
- Run-on sentences, while frequently helpful as a means of a certain type of literary expression, should be used only if and when the author (or authors as it were) decide, based on stylistic and diacritical considerations, that said form of prosaic or prose oriented communication would be the most effective way of transmitting their intended message to the targeted audience and to all those who fortuitously happen upon the written passage in question.
- Any depiction of the prophet Mohammed is strictly forbidden as is any symbolic representation. i.e. You may write his name and show a can of refried beans but may not imply the he IS that can of beans. He is however allowed to have his own product line:
All of the world's organized religions are to be treated in a fair and equitable fashion and should be ridiculed thusly
Blob side panel advertisements should be perused at least once a week
Harrassment and death threats (even when directed to the cast of The View) are wrong and will not be tolerated.
It doesn't mean you actually blow on it!!
An idea should be put to rest well before one runs out of content

I'm proud of The Blob's polite and reasoned tone. As we approach the 1 year anniversary of this site let's remember to stick to "The 10 Suggestions" despite our baser instincts and all will be well.
I could not help but to weigh in on the topic of civility on your blog that TorontoMave seems to be overly, if not fanatically (if that's not invoking any potential violent verbiage)concerned him/herself with. (Take that grammarians! Eat my Strunk & White!)
If anything, Slapper58 has raised the level of this Blog thing to the type of friendly, yet passive-agressive debate that occasioned the salons and gentlemen's clubs of early 20th century London (England). And they didn't admit Norwegians or Jews.
Bravo, I say! Long may he rain!
Thanks Mr. Equipment for coming to The Blob's defense. I must admit that getting past that 1st sentence felt like hacking my way through dense underbrush but by the end of your comment all was clear. As a wordsmith of note I'll assume that your "long may he RAIN" remark was a pun referring to my excessive sweatiness. I can handle that...in THIS gentleman's club that's fair game. Jolly good old fellow!
Phyllis (AKA "She who must be obeyed") believes that my "Ten Suggestions" for blog comportment come across more like commandments and has taken me to task for this. They are optional and should be approached with a "you might want to consider" mindset rather than a "thou shalt" one.
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