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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

And Now a Message from the Norwegian Ambassador

From the offices of Ingvard Havnen:

Dear Blob,

It has recently come to my attention that your blogsite has made what some would call "questionable comments" regarding the great and sovereign republic of Norway. In my capacity as Norwegian ambassador to Canada it is incumbent upon me to defend my nations reputation and as such I'd like to take this opportunity to refute some of your claims.

While your lutefisk recipe of feb. 9th was not wholely inaccurate we frequently add lingonberries.....I ask you then; What of the lingonberries??!! Your contributor named Dixxx provided a wealth of interesting facts about my country yet you completely ignored him. That wasn't very Canadian of you and certainly not Norwegian. Skimming through your blog yesterday it occurred to me that were Dixxx to ignore you in a similar fashion there would in fact be no Blob and with your dangerous rants against Norway I had to ask myself "would that be such a bad thing?"

Yesterday you talked about the bodily insertion of herringfish as though that were a bad thing and completely disregarded its curative value. There's a reason why we have the lowest incidence of Tay-Sachs disease and Sickle Cell Anemia in the industrialized world! (and it's not that we only have 8 Jews and a handful of Negroes*) I hope you can put aside Canada's bitter defeats on the battlefield and the hockey ice at the hands of my countrymen and use the Blob as a venue for rapprochement rather than divisiveness.

Yours in Christ,

Ingvard Havnen

*Ed. Note- not to be confused with a Sergio Leone movie of the same name.

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