Of course it's harvest time and all over Quebec the markets abound with our own corn. I've been enjoying the local variety but until you've tasted the Taber version you haven't really tasted corn (or lived for that matter). The latest generation is fuller and more succulent but remains firm and toothsome when properly cooked. The richly hued niblets are uniform and the size of pencil erasers.
As someone who grew up with boiled corn the Western cooking method was also a revelation. Silk removed, husks left on and then grilled or microwaved the end product was nothing short of astonishing. I googled taber corn and sure enough, at the top of the list was this link; http://www.jensenstabercorn.com/ . I emailed them and they sent back their latest ad which is a throwback to the old "Doublemint" ads and features the so-called Jensen Twins as spokesmodels. Th

Holy crap. You better keep those models away from their unkie mikester, lest he start posting with the triple x's again. Phyllis! Can you say bombshells?!?(!!!) You better lock them up in a cellar somewhere far away from bright lights of the city (and off the street corners (espcially cote st luc street)). By the way blobby, I'm cool with tomorrow but not tuesday, cuz school starts that day dontcha know. Cafe orange??? So I'll tell mike but I won't tell him you're coming so as to make it a surprise intervention. (I'll tell him to wear his lululemon t-shirt. I think he'll feel more relaxed in it, plus he'll think it's just a casual breakfast... but we know better!!!) This will be the Mike Wilson Intervention Foundation or NAMBLA (!!!). We must save the Wilsonator from his own destructive ramblings! The tangents! The punctuations! The PARENTHESES!!!!!(!!!) Don't worry Mikey, your friends are here for you. (This message will self-destruct in 5 seconds...)
BTW folks,
We are now at B&M at 11.00 Hope to see you there, armed with only the love of Jebus to bring our poor sheep back to the fold.
Hey Blob,
Nice twins! And those girls are pretty cute, too!
Welcome to the gutter, Parxxxtybear! There's always room for one more!!! And, if I may say so, your punctuation is excellent!!!
I believe there are is no more hyperbole available in describing Phyllis's progeny. I will, therefore, resist the temptation of trying to out-do Maria or the boys. Instead, I will focus on the subject of this Post: corn on the cob, lest anyone has been destracted from it (you know who you are!). I have to say that I would willingly fly to Taber to taste the corn as you describe it. I lOVE COTC!!! I'm drooling as we speak!! About the corn!
Tnanks Anonymous (most likely Mikexster),
With regards to the twins there is always more hyperbole....just speak to their Mother.
As a corn lover like yourself I'd be willing to organize a charter flight out to Taber. Just gather up a posse of like-minded gourmands and I'll do the rest!!
I was going to do something about my sister's gratuitous display of debauchery of the English language. However, any attempt I make will be fruitless. Furthermore, I will be accosted, I believe, by the rest of the Blog regulars, for, as I am beginning to understand, there seems to be some sort of unspoken (or spoken as the case may be) ban against such pointings-out. wutevz, dawg im getin outa ths h00d w/ ma bitchs.
BLOB!! You know me! I never criticize; I merely observe, and occasionally comment, in the most friendly and collegial way!!! In a very general sense, I agree with the sentiments expressed by "anonymous" (COWARD!!). However; I must take umbrage with your assumption that I would ever submit a post with such an egregious spelling error!!! Do these people own dictionaries? Do they even know what a dictionary is?? If they do, why would they not use them? If they don't, shame on them!!! For you to assume that I am one of these "language-louts" is painful indeed!!! Yes, I too may have drooled, just a little, over this latest Blob post; but that most certainly does not excuse the mis-spelling of words! We are speaking about The Queen's English, Damn!!! Surely there is NO EXCUSE for that kind of thing in such a (normally) fine organ as The Blob!!! After all; that is all that separates us from the animals and the Wogs!!!
heh heh... organ.
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