Dixxx said...
Is that supposed to be a Donald Trump doll Mike is holding on the book cover? If so where can I get one?
Is that supposed to be a Donald Trump doll Mike is holding on the book cover? If so where can I get one?
Interesting that you should ask that question Dixxx. I guess you noticed the family resemblance because that is in fact the Ivanka, modeled after Trump's daughter. A "Donald" version (prototype pictured here with lifelike wig and matching pubis) is only days away from hitting the assembly line in Sri Lanka. I should warn you that child labor is involved but Mr. Trump insists that only such small and delicate fingers can assure the quality hair weaving needed for a lifelike love doll. The Blob is acting as middle man so I'll put your name on the reservation list. In just a few weeks you'll once again be the envy of pathetic, lonely, closeted, men everywhere!!
I just came upon your post about the inflatable
dolls - wait - let me rephrase that: I just happened
upon your post about the dolls. Totally gross.
[where can I get some?]
Also - I think I know a guy in Singapore who might
be able to provide quality merkins for the Ivankas,
if you're interested.
Ken Dryden, M.P.
Great to hear from you Ken and might I add that you sound positively radiant!
You've already been wait-listed for a limited edition Donald Trump Love Doll along with at least 1 other Blobophile. As for the merkins I don't believe Ivanka really needs one. PEOPLE magazine reported in their annual "Who Shaves What" issue that the young trump gets a weekly waxing from stem to stern.
On a related note, last time I was in NYC I happened upon Merkin Hall and went in thinking (hoping) it was some kind of pubic wig museum....much to my disappointment it turned out to be a mere concert hall. Anyways.....
Goddamn it. I hate when I know I'm going to ask a question that is going to show me up as a naive no-nothing! Okay, here it is: Um, what's a merkin, exactly? And how come Ive led such a sheltered existence that I've never heard of it? Is it just one of those things that men talk about to each other and NEVER to a chi...woman? Of course, you'll understand why I can't sign this post; I wouldn't want my ignorance to be more than the open secret it already is.
Hey Baby,
I don't know what a merkin is either. I assume it's someone from south of the border who shaves his or her mounds of venus.
I am off the the Urban Dictionary
Listen up people.
A merkin is a pubic wig [often worn by
prostitutes who have shaved their pubic hair]
Durin the Habs' 1973 Stanley Cup run the entire
team wore playoff merkins [even Scotty Bowman].
The results speak for themselves.
Ken Dryden, M.P.
Thanks Ken,
BTW I have a copy of the '73 team "locker room" photo. That's a good look for you!!
I tried to subtly insinuate the meaning of merkin (and YES there is a Merkin Hall in NYC)..... "Merkin Hall and went in thinking (hoping) it was some kind of pubic wig museum"......perhaps a tad TOO subtle though.
Blob -
One more thing - you know there's actually a
Merkin Hall in New York City [but its not what
you'd think. It's a concert hall ]
FYI, etc.
KD, M.P.
Thanks once again Ken,
Interesting to hear that Merkin Hall is not actually some kind of pubic wig museum. In the old days prostitutes wore merkins because they shaved. This was done not for cosmetic reasons as today but for health considerations i.e. the prevention of lice, crabs, and the long-since eradicated venereal squirrel (of particular danger to the testes....yes.... that's why we call them nuts!!)
Keep up the good work with the AA stuff...sorry to hear about the short term memory loss.
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