It's been said that attending a trombone choir concert is akin to having a luxurious hour long mud bath at a spa (said by me...just then). Saturday afternoon was no exception as the McGill University Trombone Choir under the expert and bear-like direction of David Martin provided 60 or so low brass fans with more than an hour of solid entertainment.
Proudly sporting their red MTC T-shirts the group got off to a slow start in Bach's Passacaglia and Fugue in C Minor but hit their stride after a minute or so. A high level of musicianship was in evidence throughout the concert but never moreso than in an exciting and daredevilishly difficult arrangement of Rossini's William Tell Overture for trombone quartet. This was jaw dropping, professional level virtuosity that made me forget that there was no orchestra in the room.
Somewhat less successful was student composer Asher Vijay Tiwari Yampolsky's foray into Renaissance brass polyphony simply entitled Sonata. It was 10 minutes too long and said little other than that the composer had a good command of the style. For this piece the choir was augmented to 20 players with invited pro and student trombonists clad entirely in black. One can only wonder why Mr. Martin didn't spring for MTC T-shirts for the extra musicians or was it his intention to let us know that they were outsiders? What next??.... yellow arm bands???
Redemption was at hand in the Wagner finale with Prof. Winston Purdy (as Wotan) proving a worthy adversary to the group of 10 trombonists. Intonation was excellent, climaxes were well measured and profound and at the close maestro Martin looked suitably proud of his young charge

P.S. speaking of the William Tell overture here's a performance (again from the Chinese...see world's greatest orchestra in archives) that defies explanation. Intuition tells me that there's more here than meets the eye. Perhaps music therapy for a group of psychotic rage-aholics...sublimating their murderous urges by playing symphonic barn burners in a placid, soporific style. (great idea actually!!) Those Chinese are so far ahead of us it's not even funny any more!!
I'd just like to point out that this favorable review comes more or less fresh on the heels of April 2nd's peace offering to all euphoniumists (who make up a large and important part of my readership). At press time their silence speaks volumes and I feel as though the olive branch I extended was returned, denuded of foliage and snapped in two.
What is one to make of all this? Could it be that these particular low brass players are masochists more comfortable with abuse than praise? Maybe they're all just too busy these days but surely somebody could have found 5 measly minutes to pen a comment. As my Grandma used to say; "I do and I do for these people and this is the thanks I get!!"
If any of you finally get the urge to write I'll be sitting here patiently (in the dark) waiting. On second thought don't with your busy lives and your big concerts. I really shouldn't be bothering you...better I should go off into a corner and die!!
That's right blobbie, come to mamma!
I'll be right down....dibs on the upper bunk!!!
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