Andrea Dworkin (that's really her at left) was a key player in the feminist struggle for equality of the 70's. Her take no prisoners, deadly serious polemics on sex, sexuality, and violence against women influenced a generation and while many post-feminists now dismiss her strident approach and reject many of her arguments she remains to this day a pivotal and controversial figure in the women's movement.
A couple of quotations should give you a fair idea of her views:
ROMANCE "In seduction, the rapist often bothers to buy a bottle of wine.''
SEXUAL INTERCOURSE "Intercourse remains a means, or the means, of physiologically mak ing a woman: communicating to her, cell by cell, her own inferior status . . . pushing and thrusting till she gives in.''
and so on......
Though dead now for almost 3 years she's somehow been keeping abreast of goings on here at The Blob and....how should I say this......m'lady is not amused in the least!! Here's a bit of what she had to say:
It's with great consternation and no small amount of indignation that I look upon recent events on your site. You are now little more than a smut peddlar catering to the salacious longings of a handful of perverted readers. Today's post adds insult and injury to yesterday's and so it goes...in your own way you perpetrate and perpetuate violence against womyn and as I look down from on high I can only hope that you'll find a more balanced approach when dealing with womyn and womyn's issues.
BTW can you tell Ariel Sharon (archives July 10, 2006) to get up here in a hurry. I have a bone to pick with him and he's been totally unresponsive.
Blob -
How much y'pay me to do Andrea Dworkin?
C'mon, pony up! [y'gotta spring for the Cialis, but]
I like reading her stuff for laughs. Can you believe
the hyperbole and exaggeration? [like when she
says you have a handful of readers! If only! As if!]
Troy Huber
Vienna 2008
I'd gladly pony up for the Cialis Troy...I feel like a matchmaker (I'm all giddy). Just think...that'll make two less virgins....wait a sec, she's dead. Can you lose your virginity when your dead???
Gimme a buzz when you get back from Vienna.
On high?? Tell that bitch to get her ass off her high horse and take a trip down south. I'll teach her the true meaning of romance (not to be confused with what the nazis are here for). Something tells me a few minutes alone with the man downstairs would change her self-righteous (and obviously self-justifying (if you get my double-meaning *wink*)) attitude. Womyn? Get over yourself. In the words of Chamillionaire: "Bitch, you needs to get laid!!"
Thank God for you UnderWorldPrincess2008 (yeah, yeah I know....thank Satan). You said what I wanted to yet couldn't.
It's actually been said that if Dworkin would have been slim and well groomed her message would have been better received.
I contend that were she like that (and for arguments sake let's say straight too) then she'd have found a half decent guy who cared about pleasing her and probably would've gotten off on all that horrific cockular thrusting and pushing. She'd have been a feminist still but with a less anti-man bent. Her body type most certainly influenced her view of sexual politics and whereas Marshall McLuhan famously noted that "the medium is the message" here we can agree that "the large is the message" and leave it at that.
While we're on the topic, I have a mint condition
Andrea Dworkin Pez dispenser [I have every Pez
dispenser ever made, by the way].
It's very rare - it's the only dispenser that has an ass.
I gotta go piss like nobody's beeswax.
Troy Huber
Cincinnati 2008
Are you kidding me Huber??? An original Dworkin??? I'd kill for one of those...it's the only one I need to complete the Pez "Legendary Feminist" set. I've got Brownmiller, Freidan, Greer, Steinem, even a late issue Paglia but no Dworkin. As you know the line was discontinued after the first extrusion precisely because of problems with the ass, the very ass that you spoke of in your post. Tell me you don't have the pair of small, head sized, grocery bag facsimiles that came along with the original dispenser!!(damn you!!)
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