"This is obviously a cruel joke thought up by Buddha and propagated upon the rest of the world by the black hearted peoples of South Asia. In my mind I can still hear the Malaysian waiter giggling as he delivered that vile ort to my table."
Well wouldn't you know it...this morning I received, by way of diplomatic

From the Office of the Right Honourable Malaysian Ambassador
My Dear Blob,
One of my staffers who monitors the internet for mentions of the great nation of Malaysia reported to my office this morning in a most agitated state. A posting on your blog by someone calling himself Dixxx besmirched our national fruit and principal export, the durian. He went on to cast aspersions upon the Buddha (17% of our population is Buddhist and will be freed from the camps when the time is right) , a patriotic waiter and the people of Southeast Asia. As you well know the internet is available to hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Such slanderous rubbish can only serve to sully the reputation of the Malaysian state and its proud citizens. As such no durians or durian related products will be exported to Canada until the embassy in Ottawa recieves an apology in writing from the so called Dixxx. This ban takes effect immediately!
On a more personal note I wish you continued success with your Blog. I've been enjoying it daily and in particular found the "ytterbium" material most amusing. Strangely enough, Michaelle Jean doesn't return my calls. What am I doing wrong??
May peace be with you and may this conflict find a hasty resolution,
Amahd Rasidi Hazzi
Well Dixxx, try to sit on that apology for a long as you can. A durian free summer sounds kinda nice and with the heat wave in Montreal I figure Chinatown can only smell better without boxes of those Godforsaken fruits befouling the streets. We've gotten haggis banned from our shores and almost succeeded in ridding ourselves of many of the runnier, smellier cheeses from France. Congrats on a job well done. That being said I don't believe that Buddha was responsible for the durian and that God exists but is beyond blame. Are you espousing polytheism?? Dixxxx...say it ain't so!!!
1 comment:
Dearest Amahd,
Thanks so much for your concerned and civilized letter. As you know, here in Canada we espouse free speech and as such I cannot in good conscience force an apology out of Dixxx. It will be a difficult summer without the beloved durian but with any luck a solution will come sooner rather than later. As far as Michaelle, you're trying too hard buddy. She's a major league prima donna so YOU have to play hard to get. Next time you see her don't even say hello. You'll have her eating out of your hand in no time! You gotta trust me on this one.
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