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Monday, July 31, 2006

Bin Laden's Cover Blown!!!


Mel Gibson is smart, rich, anti-semitic and a raving lunatic. Osama Bin laden is smart, rich, anti-semitic, a raving lunatic, and DEAD; killed by American forces in Afghanistan a few years back. Of course Bin Laden is worth more alive than dead to the U.S. who need the spectre of a bogeyman to prop up their war effort....cue Mel Gibson. The noted zealot was more than ready to heed the call of his government and has written, directed, and produced the 1/2 dozen or so propaganda videos that feature Osama (who no one has seen alive of course, or together with Mel Gibson for that matter!) A few bucks, a little Hollywood CGI magic and voila...the world's most feared terrorist on your TV. It was all quite ingenious actually and had been seamlessly realized until Gibson's drunken, "blame-the-jews-for-everything" tirade blew the cover off the whole operation. With the Gibson/Bin Laden facade out of the way U.S. public support for the war will shrivel and the troops should be home within the month. Look for them to be redeployed quickly to oust the Iranian dictator Amahdinedjan which will have the added benefit of removing the key source of funding for Hezbollah who will then have no choice but to disband. Peace at last in the Middle East....nice move Mel!!

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