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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Doctors Without Boundaries

As we all know there are quite a few North American doctors who despite their wealth of experience, their expertise, and their willingness to serve the public have been prohibited from practicing because of some so-called "unprofessional indiscretions". Taking a cue from other such organizations I, Dr. Harris DeYoung, (pictured 2nd from right) have founded "Doctors Without Boundaries". In what I feel is an elegant solution to a long standing problem my group of highly trained medical practitioners will be able to ply their trades overseas without fear of further legal action. For example, if one of our doctors was combatting diptheria in a remote Pakistani village and his penis were to accidentally slip out from beneath his lab coat life would go on and the people, unsullied by ravenous lawyers, would be only overjoyed with the improved health care.
Here are a few testimonials:

"The good doctors helped us to fight AIDS with a demonstration of condom usage that I'm sure the youngsters will never forget! Thank you Doctors Without Boundaries!!"
Surimar Hatakthinakapron - Thailand

"The women of our village have little knowledge of Western medical practices but general anesthaesia for private gynecological exams only makes sense....especially as described by the wonderful men of DWB. We thank the Gods for your help!!"
Mbuto Seke Loko'nele - The Serengeti

"Here is a picture that my son Nyomahn drew. We hope it will win your greeting card contest and thank you again for saving my child. May the Gods grant you 1,000 lives!!"
Ni Ketut Suweca - Bali

If you're interested in supporting us or if you're a doctor in need of a fresh start please contact us.

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