Being away for the last few days afforded me some quiet time where I could reflect upon the content of the Blob. Given the cries of "really poor taste" that have been flooding in I guess it was high time (once again) that I take a closer look at my output and what I saw was disheartening to say the least: postings that ranged from the juvenile to the scatalogical and a general low-brow, fratboy, feel. I've deviated from my mission statement and for that I must apologize and attempt to right the ship of taste and focus once again upon my initial goals which were threefold: to educate, entertain, and above all to educate.
Let's begin anew then with the Blob Book Club Pick o'th' Month. I've chosen a book with my female readers in mind but I can attest to its universal appeal. It's a mature, romantic novel in the grand tradition of Emily Bronte's "Wuthering Heights" and in fact it's been penned by her great-great grandson Gus. It's a great read, a blast in fact, with passages that were so powerful that at times I found it hard to breathe. Let me know what you

Where can I purchase this obvious gem? I might want to suggest it to my book club, The Renegade Readers. They'll be fascinated both by the cover (we generally pick our books by the covers) and by the fact that the author's name is Bronte. We consider ourselves a Classics Book Club, but we occasionally go out on a limb and pick a book that we predict will become a classic. This one looks like a sure bet! Thanks, Blob, for raising the profile of your site with another fine book club pick. I take back everything I said about your site being "in poor taste".
Thank heavens you're back on board!! I hope you realize that without your approval I'm nothing...that's right; nothing. As for the book you should try "Chapters' and ask for the "Blob Book Club" rack. Enjoy!
Thank heavens you're back on board!! I hope you realize that without your approval I'm nothing...that's right; nothing. As for the book you should try "Chapters" and ask for the "Blob Book Club" rack. Enjoy!
You're better off with Soren...we've all seen "American Beauty" and know that the age difference is but one of the strikes against us. I'm about to complete my 1st experience of one of Phyllis's full menstrual cycles and what doesn't kill (hasn't yet) me will only make me stronger. I'm just happy knowing that the bagels will be going to a good home and that they're still the way to a girl's heart. REMEMBER...freezer to freezer transfer with minimum thaw time is of the utmost importance to avoid further enstalening. Toast well and have fun!!
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