tbone mikester said...
Dear Blobele-I had the misfortune to play for "The Velvet Fag" (pardon my French, but he was as queer as a three dollar bill, in spite of your memories-just ask his then oh-so-beautiful jolly-roger of a drummer) at the Montreal Jazz Festival. He was the most loathsome human being I have ever played for. A beautiful voice and musical talent do not give anyone the right to behave like an unbridled arrogant asshole. Even a minimal amount of artistic ability should make a person a better human being-to be able to create beauty (a very rare gift) should (hopefully) make anyone a more thoughtful, more perceptive person. The preening, egotistical, sneering, snarling shit-head masquerading as a sensitive artist on that day was an embarassment to musicians everywhere. To end on a happier note; he is dead!!!
Dear Blobele-I had the misfortune to play for "The Velvet Fag" (pardon my French, but he was as queer as a three dollar bill, in spite of your memories-just ask his then oh-so-beautiful jolly-roger of a drummer) at the Montreal Jazz Festival. He was the most loathsome human being I have ever played for. A beautiful voice and musical talent do not give anyone the right to behave like an unbridled arrogant asshole. Even a minimal amount of artistic ability should make a person a better human being-to be able to create beauty (a very rare gift) should (hopefully) make anyone a more thoughtful, more perceptive person. The preening, egotistical, sneering, snarling shit-head masquerading as a sensitive artist on that day was an embarassment to musicians everywhere. To end on a happier note; he is dead!!!
I recieved this post from Mikexxxster on the last glorious, warm day of what they now call Indigenous peoples of North America summer and boy was I thrown for a loop.
Wow...Mel Tormé gay and a complete asshole to boot (and he's dead you say!!??!!), I guess I've had my head in the sand. What next? Are you going to tell me that J.K. Rowling outed one of her main characters? (lol)....She did WHAT ????? One sec, I'll be right back............. (cue sounds of frenzied google fact search)
OK, sorry about that. It's unbelievable but true, JK Rowling admitted this week that Albus Dumbledore is gay and I suppose all the signs were there. He was after all "head"master (helllooo) and at a school seemingly named after an anal sex related STD ("hawg warts"?....heLLLOOOOOO) but most importantly he was the top wizard and like most literary and screen wizards before him had many of the trappings of a stereotypical gay man. From the
Wizard of Oz to Uncle Arthur of Bewitched we've seen it all before; the confirmed bachelor, always impeccably groomed, the all powerful wand as a rather obvious phallic symbol, and a personal life that is all but absent from the narrative. Santa Claus has his Mrs. Claus, Fred Flintstone his Wilma but do we ever get to see the better half of Merlin or Gandalf?? Kind of makes you think.

This all smacks of one of the most cynical cash grabs in literary history.
With the Potter series over Rowling knows that the largely childless gay population never really turned up in droves to buy what were essentially her children's books. By rebranding one of her main characters as gay after the fact she avoids the sales losses that could have come from a Christian right backlash (they tried with the anti-witchcraft campaign but that never really caught fire) and she gets to tap into a new niche. What can we look forward to now? Sirius Black was actually Black? Hagrid an orthodox Jew?? Throngs of interested new readers will buy the books looking for the hidden clues that validate these assertions. She's a clever woman that JK and her campaign to be "richer than Oprah by 2010!!" looks to be well under way.
You are the last word in "infotainment"!
A loving fan,
Mr. Pib
As a self-proclaimed 'Hag sans fag', I feel that I should speak out on this topic (one of my favourites!!!). Sure it's a cheap ploy to get a new fan base, but as if there weren't any characters in a magic school who weren't already gay! But if we, like Blobby and JK Rowling suggest, that every man who dresses well, lives alone with his plants, is a self-proclaimed bachelor and hangs out with a group of predominately effeminate men ('musicians') is "as queer as a three-dollar bill" then we're just creating more stereotypes that this world just doesn't need more of. Any thoughts, "BONE"mikeXXXster?
Whoa there Lassie!
Is you insinuatin' that mikexxxster's friends are effeminate!? Them's fightn' words lady! Leave me out of the whole plant and lululemon debate.
Yours in full masculine resplendence.
Ditto that Dixxx!!
I think Maria is somewhat misguided and is confusing male opera singers (who she is sorrounded by and who indeed are almost all gay or bi)) with us musicians who have a gay/straight ratio quite similar to the general population. A rookie mistake maria...no harm done.
Ah, Maria- you flatter me!! Yes, I am a bachelor, have many house-plants and do indeed hang out with a group of predominantly effeminate men (I assure you, however, that every last one of them is a man's man, if you know what I mean!!)- no arguments there! But do you really think that I dress well? I always thought that I dressed OK; coming from a fashion maven such as yourself, Maria, that's high praise indeed!!! Thanks!!! (When will we take another turn on the floor at Lululemon?)
Mikexxxster can't be gay.....he never vacuums.
Your analysis rings true.
Mama Callous
He never grouts either, a sign of a REAL man in my books!
Man, there is NOTHING I love better than getting a good rise out of you suckers. I have to say though that the best man of all was Mikexxxster. He hangs out with me enough to know when I'm going for the cheap shot and he always knows when to laugh--it's positively a thing of beauty! Now if only the rest of you ladies would man up and show me that you can take a few good punches, I wouldn't have to throw you so many (hah!!).
ps, Mike, I think I've made it clear (on the blob anyway) how I feel about your lulu fetish. But if you insist, we can mosey on over to the hot ball-cap-wearin' babe stand any ol' time.
Mikexxxster doesn't grout but I've heard he caulks like there's no tomorrow!!
A belated thank you for catching my subtle allusion (confirmed, well-groomed bachelor)and delivering the cheap shot in my stead. It actually sounded better coming from you and enabled me to stay perched, unsullied, above the fray. Your kind words for Mikexxster are well founded but I fear the coming self-satisfied torrent. I've got my hip waders on.
Ah Maria, I'm glad to see that you have such a close friendship with the Mikexxxster. It's refreshing to see these spring / autumn relationships flourish. And I especially enjoy being privy to the "thrust and parry" that goes on, and that you both so obviously enjoy. Of course I'm referring to the witty banter you engage in on the Blob, surely.
I would, however, offer you this snippet of wisdom if you wish to maintain your place of honour in his good books.................never, EVER beat him at chess.
Death to chess.
I Like caulk!
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