Today, May the twenty first in the year two thousand and eight, marks the second anniversary of The Blob. Happy Birthday wishes have been pouring in from across the globe to commemorate this auspicious occasion. Here's an example from the office of her royal highness, thr hottest cup of whipped mochachino in politics, Michaelle Jean, governor general of the great and sovereign (sort of) nation of Can

Dearest Blob,
On behalf of the government of Canada and her majesty Elizabeth II, queen of England, I wish to offer my congratulations on this May 21st, 2008, the 2nd birthday of your blog.
Over these last 2 years we have followed the progress of The Blob with amusement, glee, shame, and even lawyers. As your readership grows and you attract people from all corners of the world it goes without saying that you act as an ambassador for our great nation, spreading sexual innuendo, scientific disinformation, and euphonium based humour (my personal favorite) with a Canadian slant.
I still remember that weekend 3 years ago when our passion got the best of us. Little did I know then that I would go on to become a leading federalist pol and you would become a shining light in the firmament that is the blogosphere.
While we've gone our seperate ways, (and I can understand why the daily challenge of amusing your 10's of readers would keep you from answering any of my calls or emails) I'd just like to remind you that the door to my orifice is always open.
You needn't worry about Sarkozy and his Gallic suavity. It's all a facade as was made clear when he insisted that I supply both the condoms and the Cialis. At least you, my dear man, had the gallantry to spring for both!!
In closing may I just say again Happy Birthday and may your success continue for many years. You've made Canada and Canadians very proud or at least somewhat less unproud.
I don't understand that coat of arms [or whatever
you call the illustration on this post]. Those two
mermaid-broads smoking the challahs - they appear
to be worshipping a third, larger, burning challah.
Why Blob? Why?
Troy Huber
[stoned in Philly]
PS - Happy Birthday or whatever
Dear Troy,
Interesting question....I'd forgotten just how curious a fellow you really are. Come to think of it I should've known better. It's that very trait that put you in emergency, stuck painfully to your vacuum cleaner, a few years back.
If you knew anything about heraldry (and perhaps you do) then you'd know that each new Governor General gets to have his or her own coat of arms. After consultation with a heraldic scholar Michaelle chose a maritime theme to pay homage to her island past (Haiti) and her Canadian present. This is why she is flanked by 2 mermaids. The "Challahs" that you referred to are not the twisted egg breads of our sabbath but in fact brown conch shells. That was my pet name for her(shortened to Brownie, Connie,or Shelly depending on my mood). I saw the brown conch shell as the perfect metaphor; her tawny yet impenetrable exterior giving way to the hot,red flesh within, her penchant for attaching herself to large rocks, her love of plankton etc.
I thought this was all pretty self evident.
thanks for the kind birthday wishes (ho hum)
oh yeah...let's not forget the large broken chain. Not a reference to her ancestors breaking free from the shackles of slavery as one would think but a sly wink at an evening we spent playing inquisitioner and heretic where the chain that was holding me to the wall gave way right before she was about to administer a "torture". I tumbled, naked, to the floor and we laughed till dawn.
Happy belated 2nd birthday Blob! May there many more.
Randie Nickers
Stains UK
How about a translation on that bogus 'latin' Blob?
I'm pretty ferklempt (sp?) that the Blob's birthday falls on the same day as my sister's birthday. What a coincidence! It must be fate. Maybe I should make the presence of the Blob known unto my sister and a beautiful romance could be born. You could use another reader, right, Blob? And what more appropriate time to add one than the Blob's Birthday Week, that's what I say! I'll get right on it!
Thank you to all well wishers. Time to move on to year #3.
As for the translation of the latin banner....must I do EVERYTHING for you people??!!??
It would take maybe 20 seconds to copy that phrase, paste it into a latin-english on line translator (easily googled) and voila!
Anyways, it means simply: "I'm hot, your not."
Mama C, by all means let your sis know all about The Blob. I'm sure she can handle it but please, don't remind my folks. I think they've forgotten all about it.
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