Foreign affairs minister Maxime Bernier resigned today hours after his ex-girlfriend, Julie Couillard (herself, the former moll for a couple of characters with ties to the Hell's Angels) revealed that Max had mistakenly left some sensitive government files in her bedroom.
She claims among other things, that CSIS (Canada's CIA) found evidence of bugging devices in her boxspring, that she has been humiliated as a woman, but that she was not a mole for organized crime.
With any luck this thing will drag on as the drooling press has a field day and we will be blessed when Mlle. Couillard accepts a generous offer from Playboy to disrobe in print and maybe even on video (gentlemen, cross your fingers!!).
And so a square jawed, Quebecois political golden boy (and Easter Island statue look alike) will take the heat for a while and then re-emerge quietly with some cushy corporate job away
from the prying eyes of the press and public. Maybe he and Julie will reunite and if not...Julie, you can get my number from Michaelle Jean...we'll talk.

The bottom line is that this is only a scandal because of Bernier's old, brief, 2nd hand organized crime links (non-existent really), his errant handling of some gov't files (and honestly...this is Canada. What of any importance could have been revealed? The location of the next Khandahar Tim Horton's ??) but mostly because Julie Couillard is a hot babe with big, fabulous, tits. What could be more fun than bringing down a good looking, successful, guy who's scoring with a beautiful, younger woman.....probably nothing. Well, almost nothing (really Julie, I'm a great listener, call me).
Well Blobbie, at least we can agree on one thing; Julie Couillard is a babe of maximum hotitude - and with just a whiff of the bad-girl (somebody needs a good spanking!) to her too!! But really!! Let's cut to the chase!!
For you to describe yourself as a "good listener"?!?!?! Whaaaa??? I don't think so!!!!! Having a few "books on tape" (knowing as we all do about your aversion to literature, have you ever "listened" to even one of them?) around the house does not qualify one as a "good listener"!!!
Julie!!! I am a "good listener"!! It says so right on my Facebook page, so you you know it's true (if the truth be known, I'm really a GREAT listener!!!! What's that, you say? (( See, that's what I'm talking about!!!)))!!!!!
Julie!!! Blobber (trust me on this!) is as big a blackguard as Maxime, as well as being a cad and a poltroon - worse, his punctuation leaves very much to be desired!!!
Call ME, Julie, call ME (big, beautiful breasts mean nothing to me.....well, practically nothing!! It's all about the listening!!)!!! I'm listening right now (just kidding about the spanking thing - unless that's something you're into!!! See? More listening!!)!!!
Your new, listening friend, Mikexster (pardon me; what did you say?)
Mikexxxster: Granted you've made a strong case for yourself but there's little thing here at The Blob we call "Dibs" bestowed not to the first who says "dibs" but to the first who makes a claim to something or someone...in this case the lovely Mlle. Couillard. Just in case you're one of those who insists on the saying of the word "dibs" then this is for you: "DIBS!!" Now it's official. If you're still interested in sloppy seconds get in line.
I'll bet you're used to bringin' up the rear anyways (sorry about the unintended double entendre) and I stand firmly behind all my earlier statements (ugggghhh...there's no escaping these things with their unsavory, snickering, connotations). What I mean to say is that I put my cock in the ass of everything I said in response to you (YIKES....that came out wrong too...I give up!!!)
Now, granted I've only just started drinking, but something tells me that I should step in anyway and let me sentiments be heard. First of all: You people sicken me! Who would have thought that such highly intelligent (well, sorta), well educated (well, for the most part), soft spoken (ok not at all) people such as yourselves could stoop so low as to use this kind of naughty (naughty!) language simply to prove a point. It's pathetic! Second of all: How could you people possibly think that those are nice ta-tas, when, clearlyI have the superior chest. Blob, you are hereby granted permission to use that picture of me, and yes I am now stooping to your level--My tits are the shit! And Blobby will give you a voyeur's perspective in no time!
Maria...it's easy enough to claim anything you want but Julie here has delivered the goods (or should I say "greats"). You have my email address, you know what to do.....
Please get on the most important story of the las two weeks: my new crush, Larissa Kelly's seven-day streak on Jeopardy. My daughter's superior assets aside, this is clearly the story you should have been focusing on!
Wrong,Party Bear! Wrong, wrong, WRONG!!!
Even straight women and gay men love beautiful breasts (no need to mention lesbians and heterosexual men; we know which flag they salute!!)!!
Television, or"TV", as the great unwashed mass of mouth-breathers calls it, is not worth a tinker's cuss (except for, perhaps, Seinfeld or Arrested Development) compared to even one pair of Magnificent Mams!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????????
Unless this Larissa Kelly of yours has some sweet, sweet Sweater Puppies goin' on, you are one sick, sick Party Bear!!!
Clearly; The Blob is indeed focusing on the right story (or should I say the right stories!!!)!!!
Good work, Blobbie! You need to expose more of this kind of thing!!!!!
One more thought on this eternally fascinating subject (!!)........the great Impressionist painter, Pierre Auguste Renoir (my personal fave), said that if not for women's breasts, he would never have become a painter! One more reason to love 'em, wouldn't you say, Blobber?
Mikexxxster, you are so wise. I've said it before, and here, I say it again. I am a straight woman who can definitely appreciate a nice pair of tits (hell, I appreciate my own at least 17 times a day! And that's only when I'm wearing cleaveless tops *wink*), and I have to say, sorry P. Daddy but, FUCK JEOPARDY! There will never be a contest, at least where interest is concerned, between beautiful tits and lame "TV" game shows that the former couldn't win. And I'm afraid that here at the Blob, the results would be no different. There, I said it, now I can go back to my rhum and coke...
Is somebody on the rag or what??!!?? Listen here Maria (or should I say Hysterica: As a straight man I can appreciate a nice pair of tits too...(nobody loves Boobeles like Blobele)
but is there any greater turn on than a smart girl who's hot and has a great rack. (at this point Mikexxxster is thinking "yes...a dumb girl who's hot and has a great rack!!").
The world is a far richer place for people like Party Bear and I who enjoy both female pulchritude and a well conceived game show. The secret to life is a well balanced yin and yang. In this case the brainy Larissa Kelly provides the yin while people such as Julie Couillard and Maria C. display very ample yang. Why are we being forced to choose dammit...it's all so arbitrary.
Thank God we live in a country where we don't have to make that choice.
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