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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Too Funke in Here

January 17th was a special day here at The Blob (and no....not just because of my triumphant return from Colombia) While I've been slow to respond that shouldn't overshadow the fact that I was elated to see a comment from one Dr. Tobias Funke, a wonderful, fictitious character from the sitcom Arrested Development.

Anyone who's familiar with the show knows that Tobias is a failed actor and Analyst-Therapist or AnalRapist, an oblivious loser, blithely closeted although married to a gorgeous woman. To the show's credit they didn't go the clichéd route by making him a single man, no GF, fatidious, artsy, houseplant loving type.

At any rate it was great to have him contribute to my little site...quite an honour!!

While we're on the subject of American TV it's nice to see the Colbert Report back in action despite the writers strike.

While researching an earlier post that included a link to Knut the Polar bear I found and intersting tidbit about Colbert and his faux master, right wing bully Bill O'Reilly (whom he refers to as Papa Bear). Colbert routinely rants against bears, (yes the animal) and it's ludicrous but very funny. Little did I know that he was borrowing from O'Reilly who has a serious issue with our ursine friends.

O'Reilly was also accused of sexual harrassment and settled before it ever went to trial. Somebody turned the transcript into a verbatim oratorio so the truth is immortalized in words and music......he is a bully and a perv. (and a liar and a hypocrite while I'm at it)
You can read what he said here:

....and while we're on the subject of bears it's true that adorable little Knut may be part of an endangered species but another kind of polar bear is thriving here in Canada. I think Tobias Funke would approve. Here's a pic and a little musical tribute(funky of course)....that's enough mindless rambling for one day!


Anonymous said...

lucky lucky vivian in that tub o'hunks...........

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it was pretty hot, alright! And I don't mean just the water temperature, LOLOL!!

Lars the Thunderer said...

Doesn't this look like the perfect photo with which to start a "Add A Caption To This Photo" contest????
Ooo ooo ooo, me first!

Viv: "Hey, who's big toe is that?"
Anonymous: "Well, it's mine - but it's not my big toe!"

Anonymous said...

Actually, now that I'm in the safety and comfort of my workplace, conveniently supplied with ultra high speed internet... I am more able to peruse(and enlarge) the said photo which had earlier inspired envy. What I noticed was three things... Bob looks terrified, Kevin looks innapropriately curious and is staring at VIVIAN'S right hand!!!!!
which seems to be strategically placed....

slapper58 said...

Of course I was was going on 4 minutes and the housekeeper still hadn't come up for air!!!

slapper58 said...

Photo caption contest!! Excellent idea Lars and I guess since it's already been a day with no other entries you win! Congrats, the grand prize is all yours!!!
Next time you're in town you can come by and I'll stick a nice wad of $20's in your pocket.
("Hey,that's not my pocket!!".....
"it's not a wad of cash either")

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the plug, Blobbie! As a budding actor (for which, in order to be successful, one must have "the soul of an angel and the hide of an elephaunt"), I can use all the exposure that I can get!! To whom were you referring when you alluded to "a single man,no GF, fatidious (by the way, there's an "s" in fastidious!), artsy,(technically, there should not be a comma here!) houseplant-loving type"? Of course, I'm a happily married man, but really(!!!!!); he sounds like an absolute DREAMBOAT!!!

slapper58 said...

Thanks Tobias,
I was referring to no one in particular, just the stereotypical man of questionable sexual orientation. If I come across such a creature I'll be sure to send you his email address.
Thanks as well for the corrections...are you sure there's not an ass in fastidious?

TorontoMave said...

Inquiring minds want to know......

Were all those bubbles really created by the hot tub jets or did someone serve extra hot chile for dinner that day? Blobby, is that why you have such a terrified look on your face (or is that disgust ??) ?

slapper58 said...

We were soaking in seltzer.
Don't knock it you haven't tried it!!