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Friday, January 19, 2007

This Old Dictator or Fidel Gastro

It looks like Fidel Castro may just pull through his latest health scare thanks to modern medicine and the artificial anus. (they're already roughing in the plumbing!) I heard about this the other night on The Daily Show and decided to delve a little more deeply into the story. I'm happy to say that after a thorough probe the story is indeed Blobworthy.

That a dictator needs a new anus is noteworthy enough but the fact that they are making fake ones is, to me at least, the real stunner. I searched through dozens of on-line medical journals until I hit paydirt; an ad for the artificial asshole with (appropriately) celebrity endorsee Joan Rivers. Rumor has it that she's already on her third after life threatening anal ruptures caused by the numerous back tucks and other such procedures.


Anonymous said...


In the hands of a lesser satirist the depiction of an array of assholes might have come off as gross, but you sir are an artist. [I could have done without having to look at Joan Rivers' face, mind you]

slapper58 said...

You can believe me TTerbfan when I tell you how the editorial staff and I were up till the wee hours on this one! We still stand by our mission statement; "Gutter humor your grandmother would love." and, with the encouragement of readers like you, will hold steadfast to our principles.
BTW we were this close to photoshopping in a mule or yak instead of Ms. Rivers but our lawyers went mental.