Where would a boy have learnt such pedantic behaviour, and at such a tender age to boot!? I can only look his Mom square in the face, point a bony and gnarled finger and declaim boldly J'accuse! It's agreed that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree but Travis if I may address you directly: "Please...stop the madness. You come from a long line of fault finders on both sides but the cycle must end somewhere. The balls in your court. Be a real man and resist commenting on the missing apostrophe in the word "balls" or how "ball is"would be even better. You'll be glad you did!"

You know I have a policy of not pointing out spelling mistakes but how can I resist your beautiful typo; "Cheese Distribution Empire that was waging such a viscous attack"
After reading that I had visions of being spattered with melted brie by my critics.
BLOB! clearly dixx was making a purposeful mistake, much like the writers did for the famous Archie Bunker,,,,,,,,,, sheesh
That Dixxx, always with the baguette at the ready. If you enjoy fantasizing about men covered in melted cheese try this site http://fondueboysXXX.com
BTW beav, I was RIGHT. Nothing pedantic about my comment either, just relishing an excellent typo. Nice of you to rush to Dixxx's defence though...is there something you're not telling me??
What's with all this proper grammar and spelling anyways? How could anything so rarely used be of any value. I think your perpetraitor(s), and lets not pretend the whole family isn't to blame, are jsut envious of your worldly insites. I've seen these people in action. A bathtub full of pirhannas would be easier to get along with.
Thanks for the vote of confidence Dep but I know these people and their bark is far worse than their bite.
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