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Friday, January 25, 2008

Ready or Not?

I ask this question sitting here in Canada but as a dual citizen with an American passport as well. Straddling the border as I do gives me a vested interest in both countries and is never a source of discomfort (save for the occasional bout of testicular numbness).
This particular U.S. election is interesting even for those of us who couldn't give a crap because the democrats are finally fielding some decent candidates and the national conventions to be held later this year may not be the tedious coronations that they've become of late. We may see a lot of machinations, back room deals, and last minute changes of fortune for both parties. Who knows...we may even get to see the cops club, taser, and/or pepper spray some anarchists, aging hippies, and/or anti-war activists just like in the good old days.
The real interest though lies in Obama and Clinton and to a lesser extent Romney, not because he's a Mormon but because it would be cool to have a president named Mitt.
That race and gender are such a huge deal is a real eye opener (but not really unexpected). I for one don't have a prejudiced bone in my body although some of my connective tissue acts up around the Lebanese and I despise all racists....(especially the Chinese ones, who are the worst!!)
A potential 1st black man or white woman president means that the question "Is America ready?" has been heard ad nauseum and apparently without giving it's true meaning a second thought.
Just off the top of my head I can name Israel, Finland, Liberia, Germany, the Phillipines, Pakistan, Canada (albeit for 17 minutes), India, Argentina, and Great Britain as countries who've been led by women and there's been the occasional Black African leader who has proven to be a great and inspirational man rather than a murderous and greedy despot with solid gold bathroom fixtures.
The real story here is that in the great equal opportunity, melting pot to the south they are still gnashing their teeth over this. Every journalist and pundit who asks "Is America ready?" should realize that what they are really saying is "Yes we are a racist and sexist nation but now we get to find out to what degree."
While the picture above features the 2 leading Dems in traditional roles that most Americans are more comfortable with I'm more troubled by a question that keeps popping into my head; Is it wrong to fantasize about Hillary in a French maid costume?


Party Bear said...

No, it's not, Bob, and YOU are a beautiful man!

Anonymous said...

He waxes poetic and all you can comment on is the french maid shit? Oh party bear! Gonna set you straight when you get into my neck of the woods.

Oops, we have a despot here with gold faucets...looks like there's impeachement or some such on the horizen. Poor man had to give up his private jet!The population is officially recorded as 32K, probably more like 40K with the illegals. Does that warrent a private jet and attendant security people? Was seen by the masses flying AA just like the rest of us plebes albeit in first class.

Yikes, did those political thoughts slip from my head out of my mouth? I'll check tomorrow, something like checking text messages after a booze induced night...

Party Bear said...

Thanks, P.G. for setting my priorities straight, but you have to understand that a French Maid outfit can inspire a lot more poetry than any political discourse. It's so boooring, where as a little skirt and bonnet are always welcome and contribute to welfare of mankind.

Am I right Mikexxxxster!?!?!?!?!

Party Bear said...

BTW Laura,

Your leader sounds like quite a guy. I can't wait to party with him, and throw up in his gold sink!

Anonymous said...

Right you are, Party Bear! Ladies!! Take a tip from PB himself!!! It's not about the French Maid outfit (although, "always welcome" indeed!!!), it's all about the Poetry, and, by extension, the harmony and understanding that would lead to an improved "welfare for all mankind"! Don't we all want a better world?? As usual, Party Bear speaks the truth - ladies(!!!!)........... won't you listen to his important message?!?! For a better future for all of us???????

Anonymous said...

Trouble is, not all of us look good in the apron/hat combo. What's that you say? Impossible? That's a matter of a opinion, of course.

Anyway, for all your talk, Gentlemen(and I use that word loosely)when I go to a party, dressed up or not, it's the women who do most of the appreciating and commenting on my outfits (or whatever you might call my thrown-together garments). "Wow, great outfit,you look HOT in it!" (albeit followed by the usual, "where did you get it? Do you think they'd have it in my size?") is more often heard coming out of the mouth of my best friend, female, then my best friend, male! Are you guys too shy to give compliments or do you only notice women's clothing when it's miniscule, black and comes with a matching frilly, white cap? C'mon, fess up!