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Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Just the One More Thing

Have you ever heard a frog trying to croak while its being crushed by a python? Probably not but Steph Carse does a really good impression!! "Who is he and why should we care?" you ask. Its actually a rather important issue for those who want to nip a male version of Celine Dion in the bud.
He's a local wannabe superstar with a large ego, small, swooping voice, and a studied, histrionic stage manner. He's done Vegas, has some videos out and has had one local Quebec hit (the french version of Achey Breaky Heart) but it looks like he has his heart and mind set on bigger and better things. We must act now before it's too late. Write your member of parliament, load up on ammunition, anything!!
I and several other Blobophiles are involved in a New Year's days concert where Mr. Carse's management has somehow swung a deal that allows him to sing 2 songs one of which is the Puccini fave Nessum Dorma. This is a Viennese concert BTW...Strauss, Lehar, etc. Nessum Dorma is from an Italian opera about China but it has those beloved high notes (albeit taken down a tone but SHHHH it's a secret)
He screwed it up a couple of time in rehearsal and it got to the point where the show's real tenor left the room, ran off to the bathroom and started warming up the aria...just in case (true story).
When we finally got through the whole tune the conductor asked Mr. Carse if he needed to run it again. "No" replied the pompous piece of fluff in a cocky and dismissive tone "I've already recorded this"
Anyways, enjoy the clip I've provided as evidence (listen carefully at 54 seconds...that's the moment where the frog actually dies). On with the show!!


Maria Callous said...

Blob, I hate to be a pessimist (ok I lied, I love it!) but after going to school with (seemingly) thousands of singers who think and act--and of course sing!--in the same manner as this dorkwad, I just don't think there's any stopping these people. I do know that I told this story to several people, all of whom cringed upon hearing the gruesome tale. I can't wait to be famous enough to slap those suckers off the stage. Even if it means I'd have to sing Nessun Dorma myself. At least in that case it would be performed in its original key.

slapper58 said...

I was just thinking about this very thing on the way, not you singing Nessum Dorma but of the huge market available for semi-pop/operatic heart throb doofuses with little or no talent. Stef Carse (as in carse-ickness)just about ruined the famous aria at today's show but you are right; There is no accounting for the public's taste and he has tapped into the Helmut Lotti, Il Divo, Classical Baebes, André Rieux audience who may not be able to discern that he is a pretender even among the ranks of these semi-talented but cynical, classical-crossover hacks.
I'd suggest you stop practicing, get together an excellent management team or even better, marry an impressario, and hit the road. You could be rolling in dough in no time!!

Anonymous said...

I was more than a fly on the wall for this one, and I have to say that Blobele is not exaggerating. En plus, if Maria wants to continue to be recognized as a member of the distinguished Callous family, she better not take your advice and give up practicing and go on the road. Heaven forbid I should read a review that compares her to Steph Carse or Celine Dion!