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Sunday, January 27, 2008

It's Official: Clinton Wins Blob Endorsement!!

After a lot of late night soul searching followed by some early morning coin flipping The Blob is today officially voicing its support for Hillary Rodham Clinton to be the democratic nominee in the upcoming US presidential election.

While I admire Barack Obama and would be happy if he won I see Clinton as the underdog and feel that my endorsement would be more appreciated by her camp...after all, Obama already has Oprah.

I think that Americans, especially in a time of war, would be far less willing to have a woman commander in chief than a Black man and this is a sensitive subject that has yet to be broached.

Rest assured though that the Republicans will be stoking fears and casting doubt on a woman's ability to lead the most powerful nation on earth's armed forces and to make the tough and timely decisions. They will invoke her passivity re: her marital woes and resort to all manner of dirty tricks but Hillary can head them off at the pass.........and I can help!!

First she has to start shooting up with steroids, under a physician's care of course. Then she has to start hiring me to secretly release photos to the press. Reticent voters will realize once and for all that Ms. Clinton has the "cojones" for the job and I may end up with a cabinet position...everybody goes home happy!! (I think I'd like to be under-secretary)

I also believe that if Ms. Clinton faces off against the Republicans it will be one of the nastiest, most vitriolic campaigns in history and if she wins, the combination of pre-existing Clinton loathing and sexism will give us at least 4 years of vein popping hatemongering by right wing pundits. (FUN!!!)

It's high time for an African American president but as they say:
"(first)Ladies first". Barack will be more than ready next time around and besides, Hillary is almost Black, take a look at this video clip:
with apologies to Britney Spears
and her vagina


Anonymous said...

Rumours are swirling around Washington tonight vis a vis the stunning endorsement of Hillary Clinton for Democratic nominee for President of the United States by the noted political pundit and bacon-lover, Blob. No one questions Blob's political "bona fides" (or, for that matter, his love of bacon), but what has insiders of all political stripes scrambling is the rumour that Blob has recently suffered a very serious brain injury that may have seriously affected his ability to think rationally. How will this astonishing announcement affect the campaign? Will Blob's career as a priviliged Washington insider be comprimised?? More importantly, it seems to this observer that as a result of Blob's accident (his coterie of sycophants ((his peeps, if you will - refer to him as "Blobbie")) are closed-mouthed about his condition), bacon is no longer enough for "Blobbie" - he is developing an unhealthy interest in sausage!! Is this a result of his unfortunate accident?? Has Blob lost all credibility as an astute political analyst??? Can he rein in his new-found Caligulan appetites before it's too late??? As the great Kennie Brockelstein would say, only TIME will tell!!!!!!

Party Bear said...

Dear Cecil,

Thanks for the astute political insight you have provided here. The style seems reminiscent of the great Canadian bastion of infotainment e-talk daily. Are you a fan?
Sorry to hear about the blob's descent into the porcine abyss, but as long as such news is delivered in a snappy prose style, it can't be that bad!

slapper58 said...

Ok I get it...PB is addressing and referring to the comment by "A Little Birdie" whom he calls "Cecil" for some reason.
Birdie's breathless take on my endorsement and his rumor mongering about the state of my health made for a breezy read. Let me set the record straight once and for all: What was initially reported as a hockey-related upper brain injury was nothing more than a mild concussion. While I do enjoy the occasional rasher of bacon or tasty sausage I am in no way mired in a porcine abyss and there's been no increase in my pig consumption since the accident.
My endorsement of Hillary was made
with almost full mental acuity...that alone will help preserve my status as Washington insider!!

Anonymous said...

However, your photoshopping of her private parts, was not!! Can I just say EWWWW!!!

And btw, until now I'd managed to live without the sight of Britney's not-so-privates, though naturally, I'd heard of the photo (who hasn't?!)taken by some bright-eyed, Johnny-on-the-Spot Paparazzi, but now the image is fresh in my mind. How nice. Great. Wonderful.

Try to get your mind out of the gutter, Blobby, PRETTY PLEASE? Is it too much to ask??

Party Bear said...

I think he's gay, blob!

Anonymous said...

I guess it'll never happen that we'll be able to look at two candidates without being distracted by their looks. I know!! Behind-the screen-auditions! It's the only way. The orchestral community is way ahead of the rest of the world when it comes to at least attempting to hire without discrimination. It'll be easy, the candidates on t.v. will be blotted out like they blot out the faces of under-age criminals and innocent witnesses, and when they have to do live shows, they can set up screens and just have their voices projected out into the audiences. What say you all? It would be awesome to see what the voting public would come up with!!

slapper58 said...

A fine idea in principle Mama C, as were Communism and Facebook, but people find a way of screwing up just about everything. Anyways here in Canada we already elected conservative Joe Clark who wasn't exactly a babe magnet. Not that he didn't have a chin but his lower lip did taper nicely down to his prominent Adam's apple.
We later elected another conservative; Brian Mulroney, who had a briefcase of a chin and in doing so restored balance to our politico/facial universe.

slapper58 said...

I agree with Party bear....Me thinks that "You Know Who" doth protest too much.
Transgender surgery, even of the photoshop variety, requires a steady hand and an even steadier mind. What better way to prove that Hillary has the balls to be president? A picture is worth 1,000 votes and then some!!
My mind has been in the gutter and Lord willing, will be there again but the Hillary post was most definitely up there on the sidewalk, swaggering proudly (and flapping a bit in the breeze).

Anonymous said...

Right yet again, Blobber! This "you know who", hiding behind the mask of anonymity - and also protesting too much (!!!) - for shame!!!!!! "You know who"!!!! - you know who you are!! You Puritans have had your day!!! It's OVER!! Get used to it!!!! To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, we're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at upskirt shots!! Keep up the great work, Blob; you be photoshoppin' ol' school!!! You be trippin'!!!!