Maria Callous said...
Blob, am I the only one who thinks that pope benedict XVI looks like a frickin child molester? When I first saw his picture in the paper after the non-threatening-looking pope died, I thought, oh boy, this priests and alter boys thing is not going to dissipate as I'd hoped. I think we should inaugurate a giant french fry to be our spiritual leader!
Blob, am I the only one who thinks that pope benedict XVI looks like a frickin child molester? When I first saw his picture in the paper after the non-threatening-looking pope died, I thought, oh boy, this priests and alter boys thing is not going to dissipate as I'd hoped. I think we should inaugurate a giant french fry to be our spiritual leader!
A reasonable assumption Maria given his sinister look, conservative mindset, and supposedly celibate lifestyle but we have to be careful when we're casting aspersions. It's sometimes the innocent looking Popes who are the most guilty. As far as your "giant french fry" idea I'm sorry to say that brilliant as it is, His Holiness is already one step ahead of you. Even as he re-instated the old Latin mass he was looking ahead and instituting a major new marketing coup.While not yet an official papal edict, Pope Benedict hopes that his 21st century style communion will
spread quickly and attract thousands of fast food junkies to his potentially super-sized flock. Converting to Catholicism has never even crossed my mind but if they included fries with that (and on a weekly basis mind you!) never know.

Aaahhhh!! He's staring at me!!
....he's looking pretty pissed off too but secretly thinking "Want a fry little girl???"
Yikes, that is a scary looking Pope. However, the fries seem to soften the look somehow. I think he should keep them as a permanent part of his uniform if he really wants to super-size his flock!! As an added plus, God could just reach down and grab one if he got a a bit peckish. After all, his Holiness is a lot closer to God than the rest of us, right? so he'd barely have to bend down. Food for thought.
Very well put Mama but those are communion fries! God will have to get in line just like everyone else.
Dear Blob-in my opinion,Maria (I feel I know her well enough now to dispense with her family name; not to brag,but we did have luncheon together!!!)is spot on! These guys,dressed in 12th- century- style drag,leering at unsuspecting choristers (something best left to we professionals)give me the willies! Let's take Maria's giant french fries as well as those creepy pederasts and boil them all in oil!!To paraphrase what they used to say during the religious wars,"deep-fry them all,let god sort them out!!! Let me be clear-I loathe organized religion as much as I do American Pop Culture.Thanks for the sounding board, Blob;let's talk about bad drivers sometime.....
They'll be no boiling in oil on my watch. I don't know what happened to you when you were a boy but you've sure built up a nice reservoir of venom. So perhaps you come by it honestly but this blanket hostility towards American pop culture displays tunnel vision and a closed mind. (I KNOW you,re better than that!!) So let's agree....if 97% is complete crap and 2% will mindlessly kill an evening that still leaves 1% that is solid gold and even if it's .1% of a huge industry that's a lot of material. That's just the way of the world so join me Mikexxster as I head down to the proverbial creek, pan in hand. I know where to go for some small but brilliant nuggets of entertainment.
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