I've been laying low for a couple of days and have taken Troy Huber up on his generous offer. I've been toying with the idea of turning The Blob into a more family oriented site that any parent would be proud of or at least not ashamed that their son was some sort of perverted loser.... (whatever). If you missed the Huber offer in the comment section here it is reprinted in full:
You can crash at my place if things are tense over there - my folks are in Florida for a week. [and Ican totally relate to what you're going through;my dad found my stash of porn last year, and I was grounded for three weeks!] Sick!
Anyway, you can have the couch in the den. There's a TV with cable, and my aunt [who's staying with me until my parents come home] hardly ever goes in that room. Sick!
Troy [Huber]

I have enough privacy to do the required soul searching while I hide from my parents and there seems to be an endless supply of cereal and juice.
I think I'm gonna be okay...maybe I can turn this into a home improvement site...nah, I'm no good at improving homes. But I'll think of something I will!!! You mark my words.
Oh yeah...Troy and I have been doing some wrestling WWF style but from back in the day when it was good (and possibly real). Don Leo Jonathan, Abdullah the Butcher, Killer Kowalski etc.
Yesterday we re-enacted the fight scene from Amok Time (from the original and only real Star Trek series). It has some of the best fight music ever and was so exciting that I almost soiled myself (I sort of did actually)
Take a look:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyhhFzE5O5U
A big apology to those of you who expected to see a video of me sort of soiling myself or at least Troy and me tussling. It was my clumsy, stress-driven writing that led to any misunderstanding. That was actually Kirk and Spock in a scene from the original Star Trek.
Whereas they had actual Vulcan lirpas as weaponry we had to make do with what we could find in Mrs. Huber's broom closet.
I beat Troy in 2 out of 3 battles but MAN...that guy has some serious dustpan skills!!
(watch out for his nucleo-spin attack)
I didn't want to bring this up but.. ok I wnted to :
Now, just for clarification, which one of you is the Kirk and which one of you is the Spock?
Ist of all, can't a guy wrestle with his buddy without having his sexuality called into question? (I know the answer is "NO" but still...)
And 2nd of all, what kind of a hardened Star Wars nerd would foist such a hunk of crap on an unsuspecting public?? I want my 3 minutes back!!!
(OK...Kirk under the blanket wasn't bad but still....)
BTW Kirk and Spock were two halves of one ideal man....I strive to embody them both...Kirk's yin to Spock's yang (which I'm told is legendary!!).
If your friend Underworld Princess is going to the opera tell her to come see me in the pit at intermission. She'll know what I'm talking about.
Blob, you never cease to entertain. Any guy who can make me laugh out loud is ok by me!
Just doing my job Ma'am but honestly, I won't be happy until you're spewing beer out of your nose. We humorists call that a money shot.
Dearest Blob! Is it possible that you and Troy Huber (BTW, is he HOT or what?!?!?!) are as keen on wrestling as I am??? I just love an all-in (!!!), no-holds-barred, sauve-qui-peut (don't-mind-me-while-I-bite-you-hard-on-your-sweet, sweet ass-kind-of-thing!!!!!!), oh-so-manly bout that has someone crying "uncle" later rather than sooner!!!
As you might imagine, I read your latest post with the greatest of interest - I won't say that I soiled myself, but I was quite excited (keep that squeegee handy!!!)!!! Here's my idea - Tagteam!!!
You and Sheldon Kannegiesser vs. Troy and me, best four of seven falls!! Let's (by comparison) make Kirk and Spock look like the half-milers that they are!!! Not to brag, but I did finish "Magnum Cum Laude" in Carl Weathers' advanced "Fighting for Actors" course!! Having said that, you could "pin" me anytime you like, Blobele!!! ("Please Sir, may I have another"?!?! Ha! Ha! Just kidding!! ((Not really!!!))) Best wishes to you and your newest fans, your folks!!! I'm sure that they are very proud!!!!!
Your ol' pal, Tobias(Graeco-Roman, anyone??????)
As we all know Tobias Funke is that fabulous character from "Arrested Development". Whoever this is that is writing as Tobias is doing an uncanny imitation, down to the smallest nuance.
I don't know who you are or how you're doing it but maybe only someone who's actually lived a similar experience could nail the character so flawlessly. Bravo and keep up the good work!!!
Dear Blob,
You, in turn, are doing a beautiful imitation of Maggie the cat in your comments on Tobias' fine post! Perhaps you have lived through similar experiences wit your husband, Brick. I'd like to see you in that slip, sweltering in the hot Pierrefonds sun!
Tobias Funk = Mikexxxster.
You can tell by all the !!(((!!???!)))!!.... refer my previous post....
PS: He's a wrestler from way back in high school.......
Yours in service,
TorontoMave aka Blabbermouth........
Thanks TO Mave for a most interesting comment. I was already aware of the Tobias=Mikexxxster equation what with the tell tale !!!!!marks and all, but his past as a high school wrestler was news to me....goodnews in fact. Yet another important piece in the puzzle that is the Mikexxster.
I bet he can still fit into the old unitard and matching leather ear protectors that he wore back in the day when tussling with other young lads wasn't scoffed at but was instead encouraged by headmasters, scout leaders, able bodied parish priests and the like.
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