Even though I did a mid storm pre-shovel I expected to awake this morning to the prospect of yet another near coronary experience.
Digging out after a major snow dump is hard enough but my municipality compounds the pain by having plows come by and shove the stuff from the street into my driveway entrance forming a compacted, chest high wall of agony.
This morning though a small miracle was visited upon me...a snow blower, perhaps sent by the Lord himself (but more likely by the municipal public works dept.) came rumbling by spewing the snow into my yard thus avoiding the driveway pile-up. So continues my decades old love affair with
the snow blower.

Maybe all boy/men have a similar infatuation with heavy machinery but these particular beasts really turn my crank.
As a boy they'd pile snow into my front yard which meant fabulous fort building opportunities but recently a new twist has been added, at least in my neighbourhood.
A local contractor has seen fit to hire a beautiful 20 something female to operate one of its larger rigs. She works confidently in her heated cab wearing a tank top (and presumably pants and hopefully a thong) and I've seen her on several occasions now, each new storm getting her back out on the streets where she belongs. Why does this image have such strong erotic potential? Of course I have a theory artfully backed up with elegant and irrefutable logic but I'll spare you the long-winded details, a lesson that some (one actually) of my contributors in the comment section would do well to heed.
For those of you who insist on an explanation one is available from Blob Press International - Theories and Transcript division.
Tell me you didn't ditch me at breakfast to make snowmen-blowers. You sicken me.
Through ice and through snow and through sleet
I climbed the impossible feat
But my date wasn't there
He stayed in his lair
and carved out snow bitches in heat
Hey, a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do. Excellent limerick, and in response:
The winter storm packed quite a wallop
And dumped a lot more than a dollop
'Twas all of that snowing
But mostly the blowing
That led me to choose the ice trollop
Well Played, both of you!
We here at Mikexxxster CompuGlobalWorld MegaCorp Inc. (since 2007!!!), as well as it's many, many fine subsidiaries take strong exception to, and hereby serve notice that Mike W Hornblower (whoever he/she may be ((loser!!!!!!)) !!!!!) is IN NO WAY associated with our fine company, or any of our wonderful products and services!!!!!!!
The cretinous lack of style and/or wit would be an embarrasment to even the dullest and most loutish of our competitors!!! The pathetic under-use of proper punctuation (!!!!!)as well as the "P" in played gives the lie to the whole charade, doesn't it?!?!?!? As for the use of the word "cheerio" - well!! What more needs to be said???
Mike W Blowhard, you little shit (!!!!!!) !!!!!! FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get your own god-damned identity
(assuming you can scrape two brain-cells together!!!!! Arse-hole!!!!!!)!!!!!!!!!!!! What calumny!!! What cheek!!!!! Arse-hole!!!!!
Thanks for letting us here at MCGWMCI (since2007!!!) vent, Blobbie (you should really do something about these leeches!!!!!!)!!!!!
Pip pip!
Rather erotic that ice sculpture - sure to bring on the commentary as opposed to political rhetoric that you so (seemingly) seem to love. Who did that? hey do it with sand...Can they do it with sand? Well check out my Facebook and you'll see a pretty damn fine Porsche Carrera.
Yes it can be done with sand but don't look at me...sitting for that last one was a bitch!!
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