This is a rather delicate subject but one of increasing interest and importance nevertheless. The rise of the drug resistant superbug is an everpresent worry in the world of medicine and the bacterium
C. Difficile is without doubt the poster-germ for this problem. Patients who have been on antibiotics often have intestines that have been cleansed of all bacteria including the good ones (you know..the yogurt ones; acidophilus, bifidus, etc.) which leave them defenseless against a repopulation by unwelcome visitors. Once infected a downward spiral ensues that can lead to
pseudomembranous colitis, an illness that is characterized by offensive-smelling
diarrhea, fever, and
abdominal pain. It can be severe, causing
toxic megacolon,
(ed. note: coincidentally, To
xic Megacolon is also the name of the next super villain in Spiderman 4) or even fatal.
Now the disgusting part...a new treatment has been developed called
fecal transplantation (look it up)whereby a compatible donor's feces, replete with the beneficial flora, are checked for disease, mixed with saline and rectally delivered to the patient's colon via an enema. The few specialists who do this claim success rates as high as 95%!!
The image illustrates a post -antibiotic, barren intest-o-scape and a
colonizing cluster of
C. difficile bacteria. I have added words and liquified pooh to better illustrate the transplantation technique.
At present there is an actual stool shortage. The procedure will gain in popularity as C. Difficile related illnesses become more prevalent and many gastroenterologists, concerned by the low supply, are predicting a crisis. Lots of hospitals and newly opened
feces banks are currently stockpiling and paying donors well for the now precious human waste material. My doctors tell me that my own stool has the specific type of biological blueprint that makes me a universal donor so bottom line...I am literally sitting on a goldmine!!! I knew one day my ship would come in ....(I said
The people from the Ileitis and Colitis

Foundation have set up a donor fund for fecal transplantation or FT and have conscripted former A-lister and recipient of the treatment, Pierce Brosnan, to act as spokesman. Said the inebriated former star: "Listen, when it comes down to losing half your bowel or having them pour a quart of your brother-in-law's rank, liquified, shit into your ass you do what you have to do!" Truer words have never been spoken.
Speaking of shit, Blobber, I don't understand why any self-respecting man (you're not the only one) would ever use the (supposedly) more delicate uber-girlie "pooh" as a substitute for a perfectly good Anglo- Saxon word! COME ON ( Winnie the Shit must be spinning in his grave!)!!! On the other hand, I LOVE your new word intest-o-scape!!!! As a painter, you've opened up a whole new world for me, and I thank you!!! If any of your readers would like a watercolour intest-o-scape to hang on their living room wall, just let me know! Personalised portraits (to a very, very, very, very, very, very, very select few!!!!!!)! BE THE FIRST ON YOUR BLOCK!!! INTEST-O-SCAPES!! IT'S A GOOD THING!!!!!
Thanks Martha!
Maybe we should get together tomorrow afternoon with a bowlfull of bran!
While I am loathe to explain my choice of words I suppose I can make an exception in this case. My reasons for using the word "pooh" were twofold: 1st to avoid redundancy and 2nd for the comedic juxtaposition of a juvenile euphemism being used to describe a foul (though lifesaving) procedure. I've used this device before for the kid's book meant to delicately broach the subject of homosexual parenting: "Daddy put his Weiner in Another Man's Pooh Pooh"
BTW I'd love a limited edition intest-o-scape, maybe with a tiny and partially digested Celine Dion being hit in the head by a piece of corn...Chrismukkah is just around the corner!!
I would just like to give a special post on this, the anniversary of the birth of our dear Blobbele. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLOBBY! Don't let mikey talk you down, I think the work you're doing here is fantasmogloria (and I don't use that world lightly!!!).
Thanks Maria for the kind and heartfelt birthday wishes and don't worry about MIkexxster taking the wind out of my sails. Being the blowhard that he occasionally is, he actually energizes me more than anything else.
(Note to Mikexxster: I used the word "blowhard" as a mild insult of course but also in relation to the phrase "taking the wind out of my sails" in that you, by being a blowhard, actually put wind back in my sails thereby energizing me.)
Happy birthday Blobbie!!! Lord Tennyson didn't have my gift for words, but I believe he said something about "the maddest, merriest day of all the glad New Year"; I'm sure he had your birthday in mind when he came up with that little gem (does that sound like the posting of a "blowhard" to you,Birthday Boy Blobbie? But let it pass, my inner voice says, let it pass! We'll save the usual cut-and-thrust for another occasion.)!! This is your Special Day and I send you all good wishes!!!! Yer 'ol pal, Mikexster
A fellow Scorpion. I should have known. Happy belated birthday from the centre of the universe, big boy!
I, too, send you my best wishes on this day of days. I feel especially moved (perhaps a poor choice of words, given the subject of this day's post) towards those who have birthdays in the month of November. I consider November and March the two worst months of the year, weather-wise and for just plain blah-ness. However, your having a birthday during this month proves that behind every cloud there truly is a silver lining. Happy Birthday Month, Blobbie!
Thanks for all the B'day wishes folks. I agree Mikexxster that for this day at least we can bury the gauntlet (I don't have a hatchet and burying pruning shears is pretty lame).
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