LONDON (AP) — An animated display of London's jigsaw-style 2012 Olympics logo, which has drawn an unfavorable public response, was removed from an official Web site Tuesday following concern it could trigger epileptic seizures. It cost $796,000 and was targeted at young people. The logo was unveiled Monday and within hours an online petition was established asking for a new design.
Under normal circumstances I'd have waited till tomorrow to post this but everytime I wait The Daily Show beats me to the punch (damn them!!). As a Montrealer still smarting from being a citiizen of the city that staged the most humiliating, cash sucking Olympics ever it does my heart good to see jolly old London screwing up so early in the game.
I can only assume that with close to 800 grand spent they had the full coterie of consultants, focus groups, high powered ad agencies, the top creative minds and graphic design specialists in the industry, all chipping in to do Great Britain proud and make a few pounds sterling in the process. The fact that an animated version caused epileptic seizures is sort of icing on the cake. The real story remains the logo itself. Now I'm no artist but I know a well conceived logo when I see one. This nightmare looks like a failed attempt at assembling a jigsaw puzzle by one of those kids who has to wear a helmet all day. I'll go out on a limb and offer a Blob guarantee: come 2012 this insignia will be an all but forgotten misstep (come next thursday more likely) and the good people of London will have an emblem they can be proud of.
I'm sadly behind in my blob reading, but I will now be much more on the ball since I have put the Blob on my bookmarks bar! Not for the first time, mind you. I'm presently trying to update my new (old) laptop with things like addresses and book marks but it has taken me awhile to get around to it, since like, I already did all this once on my old computer and was burned for my troubles when it simply wouldn't open one day. Anyway, I just have to say I agree with you 100% on your analysis of the London logo. All I can say when I look at it is, "HUH?" However, when I look at your version, the light comes on very promptly! I mean, yours has an action figure, at least! That makes you think of people exercising, which in turn makes you think of the Olympics, duh! Submit yours right away and see if you can make a few duckets. Or Euros, or whatever it is they use over there now. Again, Kudos!! Or, Duckets!! Or whatever.
Pardon my mother. She means "ducats."
What's great is that there are a great many respectable logos that were rejected for this visual diarrhea. Check them out!
Welcome back viv and trav. I've made a new post in your honour. Thanks for the clip as well. Notice the eerie similarity between my logo and the one at 47 seconds. I promise this is just a coincidence. I'm fully capable of coming up with rejectable ideas on my own TYVM.
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