"Pardon my mother. She means "ducats."What's great is that there are a great many respectable logos that were rejected for this visual diarrhea."
With these words and others my comment section once again has been graced by two of it's more prolific contributors who seemed to have all but disappeared. The mother and son team of Travis and Viv are back and any creative stagnation that I may have been experiencing is all but a recent and painful memory.
Nice to see that Trav is as pedantic as ever (never change my boy!). This gives me an opportunity to remind you that my policy remains one of tolerance. Make as many mistakes as you want, even unbearably cute ones, and I'll not mock or comment in any way. This wou
ld discourage people from writing in and besides we all make mistakes. Duckets...ducats...who cares really?? The important thing is that you contribute to The Blob (the most important thing actually) and if some snotty kid wants to make a snide remark than so be it.

Hi Blob,
Nice burn on the boy! The only way he'll learn. Oh who am I kidding? That ain,t never gonna happun nohow.
Party Bear of the Appalachies
Party bear!!!
Thank God you've finally emerged from your den (ed. note - The Party bear hibernates longer than any other species of bear for obvious reasons). Travis will learn in time to avoid correcting others before he's checked his own prose for redundancies. As they say: "Let he who is without synonyms cast the first small, grey, hard, thing."
My spelling is becoming more and more problematic so I'm just going to have to get used to the abuse my son loves to through at me. Oops, I mean throw. Do you supposed I've got early-onset Alzheimer's (phew, I had to consult on that one)? If I do start going completely ga-ga, at least I'll have been the first to notice and there's a record of it right here.
Vivster, thank you for pointing out yet another public service that The Blob provides. For more than a year now I've been tirelessly (and without fanfare)helping my contributors recognize their own early onset Alzheimers and a host of other diseases through careful self-analysis of their comments. My rabbi once told me that I should "Be as a mirror unto the world." BTW not to be alarming but your husband may want to check one of his recent posts...I'm sensing a touch of diptheria.
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