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Monday, June 18, 2007

And Then There Were None

Dixxx said...
Be forewarned! Mike Wilson is now on the internets!

Those of you who are familiar with this site are therefore familiar with noted euphoniumist and painter, Mike Wilson. He has been featured in several posts and a permanent link to his web site has garnered a hallowed spot in the sidebar pantheon of greatness.

I couldn't be more pleased to welcome Mike into the fabulous world of the 21st century and applaud him for being the last hold-out in his socio-economic sphere. Some would say that he caved to peer pressure or that telepathy with the mother ship wasn't working as well as it used to but they'd be wrong. Mike does things when he's good and ready (thank you very much) and if he figured that now is the best time to get connected then so it is.


Anonymous said...

Hi Blob,

Nice portrait of my friend and budding curmudgeon, Mike Wilson! Your skillful blending of sensitivity and sarcasm is a blessing to the internets!

Love and Smootchies,

Party Bear

slapper58 said...

Thanks for the kind words, now if only Mr. Wilson would come out of his hole and reply. Rumour has it that he tried to post a comment but it was too large...maybe he should try 2 or 3 installments. He's resourceful...he'll figure it out.

Anonymous said...

Hi Blob,

Where is the sound? I clicked and clicked...

Nice picture of Mike.

Your friend,

slapper58 said...

Hi Skylark,
Sorry about the lack of sound. This is a free blog and I have to worry about being fined for copyright infringement. I suggest you just use your imagination...think of a humpback whale singing Sinatra. That would be just about right!