The actor at left is none other than Ving Rhames (pictured in his remake of Kojak). While he's far from an A-list star he is becoming more of a known commodity. Most of us have heard of him by now and it occured to me the other day as for some unknown reason the sound Ving was rattling around in my head, that if Ving is acceptable then so is almost any other made up name out there.....all bets are off as far as standards of acceptability go!
Don't get me wrong, I'm no staunch traditionalist who wants a guy named Charlie or Stan serving me my steak and potatoes. Ving is a fine name but I think that it opens up a whole new world of choices where any and everything is possible.
We already have the hackneyed, attention getting ploy of some Hollywood types who name their kids Moon-unit, apple, and a myriad of other atrocities but I'm talking about every day names like Ving that should be seen as completely normal...... Pork, Melt, Harvest, Sizz, are examples of already known words or made up ones that when given a last name sound just fine. Go ahead, try it for yourself; Pork Munson (no relation to the Munson's Beveled Ham people), Melt Abramson, Harvest Miller, Sizz O'Reilly....see what I mean??!! These aren't crazy attention grabbers, just regular sounding names. You want something feminine...how about Chlorine? More ethnic...Spatula and Chlamydia. I could go on and on but you get the point. Thanks to Ving's parents we can now do as we please....go ahead Moms and Dads to be...get creative
Well better Ving than Bling, Ping, Zing or Hop Sing (Bonanza)! ahhh, Hoss, I miss yah so.
So who gives a shit? Apple is just retarded; Ving has a certain, "Je ne sais quoi" about it, wouldn't you say?
Oh, I wax poetic here in Paradise, well not so paradise given the latest Haitian disaster - get reference from Viv.
Oy, Ving it is! love you baby!
I was all set to google Haiti trying to find out more about the "latest disaster"..... (military coup?, typhus?, hurricane Sizz?) and then I thought better and stopped thinking national in favor of personal (i.e. alcohol, one night stand, penicillin). I hope everything's OK in Paradise.
Will get the straight dope from Viv.
Get her to forward the 2 emails I sent.
One of my neighbours works for the maritime foundation and was there on scene so i got the straight dope from him.
Blob -
As well-taken as your point is, the phenomenon
is even more pronounced in other countries.
In Poland, for instance, they think nothing of
naming their offspring ZBIGNIEW or - get this -
[and don't even get me started on the Finns or
the Chinese]
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