Call me crazy but I have a sneaking suspicion that darkhorse candidate Stephane Dion will emerge from this weekend's Liberal leadership convention with a stunning upset victory. As unlikely as this seems I've spent some time analyzing the situation and the numbers seem to add up. Pundits and editorialists aside, poll leader Michael Ignatieff has been in damage control mode ever since that now infamous drunken brawl at Teezer's strip club in Oshawa and Ontario's Bob Rae while running a respectable 2nd has failed to capture the public's imagination with his repeated references to "The snuggly, patchwork quilt of love that is our great nation of Canada!"
Toiling tirelessly in the background, Dion has been wheeling and dealing and is prepared to pounce when an opportune moment arises. Look for also ran Gerard Kennedy to fork over the large passel of delegates that Dion will need to put him over the top. Remember...you heard it here 1st!
The Blob endorses Stephane Dion as leader of the Liberal opposition and as future prime minister. His winning combination of keen logic, dogged determination, and a sickly pastiness are but a few of his assets. In time he will win over the rest of Canada, yes even his home province of Quebec, where he is regarded as something of a traitor for having had the nerve to demand the truth of the people who wanted to dismember the country a few years back. If I'm proven wrong about all this I'll get out of the business of political prognostication and shut this blog down for good.
Hey at least we can vilify and oust our politicians in Canada. Down here, the first minister, when he took office said,SAID, that he expected to have 50 million bucks in his bank account by the time he leaves office - all this on a 120,000 yearly salary. Oh! He's also had a couple of kids out of wedlock, one just recently born, and he only got married this past July, (a huge splashy affair with the likes of Will Smith and Bruce Willis attending among others). He's expected to be re-elected... Ex-pats can say nothing, except to each other, otherwise it's a one way ticket off this rock...
Yikes, Paradisegirl, that's a pretty scary political situation. I think you better hightail it back to the Great White North, where our old-fashioned politicians DENY their sleeziness and corruption.
And BTW, Blob, I think I'll lay bets that you're right with your crazy predictions. Though Dion may seem like just another chinless leader of the opposition (can you say Joe Clark?) I think he's got something, let's hope it's heart.
Bah, I'm staying - I can't vote and I'm not supposed to have an opinion. In some ways it's rather pleasant.
On the good side the top dog is pumping money into the education system and starting to pay the cops more. That means when dialing 911 they might arrive within the hour as opposed to the next day...the rock is, afterall, 26 miles long and 11 miles wide...a huge stretch of scub and coral inffused stone. Fabulous!
oops! 21 miles long.
Thanks for the correction....I almost had to point out your exaggeration. Are you sure about the width???
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