No posts in almost a week, difficulty sleeping, a hankering for Chinese food...these are just a few of the effects that publishing ( and the repeated quality control viewings) "The Greatest Orchestra Ever" have had upon yours truly. I spent many of my formative years in youth orchestras and music schools while at the same time suffering from a chronic case of Yellow Fever (my 1st two girlfriends were in fact Oriental). The video in question caused a sort of post traumatic stress reaction that really threw me for a loop and in a way had me thanking my lucky stars that I hadn't seen it or anything like it when I was a teenager. (has anyone ever died from excessive self-abuse??)
I'll try to get back to Blobbing on a more regular basis despite a slew of Christmas related work in the coming weeks. I think I can do it if I budget my time wisely and stop checking the NACO (Naked Asian Chick Orchestra) video. After all, it really does get old after the first 20 or so viewings. Remember.....the original Blob charter mandates that I give advice to my readers so feel free to ask me about anything. BTW Dixxx, the girls of NACO wore high heels to one-up the Hanshu Academy for Gifted and Naked Musicians orchestra who were completely nude (no class if you ask me).
In re the discrepancy between this post and that of Nov. 25th: I received a couple of nasty lawyers letters after the latter submission. It seems the powers that be at Scott Paper and Vaseline headquarters would prefer that their products not be directly associated with any auto-erotic activities. Thankfully Keri and Kleenex (both wholely owned subsidiaries of WankExCo) have no such problems.
like my sex ed teacher told me in grade 10......USE IT OR LOSE IT!!!
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