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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Watercolor...not just for Sissies any more!

Trombonist, billiard player, third baseman, lady's we can add watercolor artist to the long list of Mike Wilson's many accomplishments. I say now because his website is finally up and running and he is this month's featured artist in no less a publication than Watercolor Weekly!! Click on this link and prepare to be transported into a pastoral world so subtle that you'll feel like a crass pig just for breathing. To me, this refined quality alone is a major accomplishment after the incident in 10th grade where my geography teacher accused me of being "as subtle as a turd in a punchbowl". Add this to the artistic expertise and I'm proud to say that you heard it here first! If Wilson isn't a household name within 5 years I'll be very surprised and here at The Blob I intend to tout and shill for him whenever possible (did somebody say 10%??). The paintings themselves are a joy but the website seems to be a work in progress...I'd add a few fake blurbs and critiques: "The artist's delicate yet moving juxtaposition of light and shadow remind one of DelaCroix before he contracted syphyllis" -M.J.Clark- Fine Arts Quarterly.... that sort of thing....anyways, Check it out!!


Anonymous said...

Hey! Fuck watercolor, psyllium, and the rest of it!

Go to and scroll and click
around over the page.

[you're welcome]

Anonymous said...

Dear Dixx! Don't forget BOWEL BUDDIES!

Anonymous said...

p.s. I got yer extra cash right here.