The comment section attached to my Tofurky post is roiling with all sorts of mis-information and false assumptions. First of all we have the arbitrary limits on my super hero choice, flight or invisibility, as if those were the only two options. In the immortal words of Shaniqua Jefferson: (Jerry Springer Show- June 7, 1991) "You don't know me!!!" I'll have you know that I considered many super powers including exceptional glibness (we're talking extremely glib here), ultra-fast walking, and toxic sweat but in the end settled for invisibility....OK, OK were right! The way I look at it no matter how great your strength or how well you can fly you'll still be caught ogling the unclothed models in their changing room and be viewed with pity and disdain. Invisibility, however, frees you up for the models and all sorts of other stuff.... on the whole it's pretty much a no-brainer.
Famed conductor Bernard Haitink guessed flight (WRONG!!) and Dixxx mistakenly thought Haitink was Czech goalie Bernard Hasek fusing the two into one mythical creature, a Condoalie. He was in fact thinking of Dominic Hassock (pictured here) the famed minor league goaltender who suffered a horrible accident at a furniture warehouse when an entire shelf of hassocks collapsed on him and his wife. She didn't survive and he was told by doctors that removing the hassock would cause permanent paralysis. Dominic has learnt to live with the burden and on the bright side he hasn't given up a rebound in 4 years.
It's nice to see the Blob community growing and interacting, albeit on a rudimentary level. I look forward to more of the same in the weeks, months and days (not necessarily in that order) to come.
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