General Mills in their infinite wisdom have seized upon a marketing opportunity that has been exploited by other industries such as toy manufacturing and TV but not by food suppliers. As Gord MacMalmum, VP of marketing for General Mills (Canadian division), tells it this is an idea who's time has come. "The baby boom generation is a demographic powerhouse that still has a lot of financial clout. Nostalgia marketing has been around to cater to this group for years now but the cereals these folks ate as kids just don't provide for the needs of an aging population. Here at General Mills we've taken some of our old brands and re-engineered them by pumping them full of fibre and other ingredients that promote regularity. I had a bowl this morning and I know that eating these products will make you feel like a kid again in more ways than one........now will you excuse me a minute."
As he ran off MacMalmum reminded me that the Blob readership was the perfect test market for the new brands which is why they'd chosen to advertise here first. Next time you're at the supermarket look for one of these new cereals and tell 'em Blob sent you for a 15% discount!!
Recently back from ten delightful days in montreal I've had time to reflect on the specific pleasures I experienced while there. Foremost in my mind are the hours I spent in the warm company of DAVIV. Each trip to Montreal usually comes complete with a DAVIV experience in one form or another and it remains a highlight.
I remark upon this one in particular because some discussion revolved around my favorite (rarely discussed in public) topic of conversation "THE BOWELS AND ALL THEIR INTRICACIES" more specifically ...........actual defecation. It was agreed by parties present that a psyllium induced defecation produced a notably light and fluffy stool, whereas bran assisted movements were more substantial.(perhaps more satisfying.( I personally argue for the psyllium induced b.m. because it is the lo-calorie option.) At a certain point DAV shared with us his latest discovery "BOWEL BUDDIES" a cookie product found at LOBLAWS in the health food section.I even got to sample one!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone who knows me at all would understand the heavely experience I had that evening and I am extending a warm thanks to my magnanimous hosts for indulging me. thanks again!!... pj.
I think our beloved and devout Dixxxy needs to return to the fold more arduously and take to his readings in a more "religious" manner.
I know in the past I have besmirched the name of Timothy but I repent now and will quote him..........1 Timothy Chapter 4 verses 14 and 15.... and I quote..." Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy,
Meditate upon these things, give thyself wholly unto them , that thy profiting may appear to all."
I rest my case, I don't think I need to further interpret those scriptures to Blob's erudite readership
you are amongst the truly blessed then dixxxy, thank jesus and say three hail mary's each time you pass..........
Dear Dixxx,
Since we are speaking of large outputs (from whatever end you choose), I notice your posts seem to be more longer, firmer and pithier of late. See what good comes of not going out for a smoke?!
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