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Friday, September 08, 2006

Okay....Enough Already!!

A number of you (three) have been clamoring for me to get back to blogging and have been wondering about the 2 weeks of self-imposed silence. I've heard your collective "what gives?" and thank you for the push that I needed to return to the wonderful world of web whimsy.
I suppose I could lie and explain away my absence with some lame story along the lines of......I don't about "my dire professional situation left me financially, emotionally, and spiritually deadened to the outside world" but who would buy that?!? I'll come clean without going into too many details today and simply say that it involved CSIS, Canada's gentler version of the CIA (they even provided the latest MacLean's magazine during the cavity search!) and some questions as to my relationship with our governor general, the Right Honourable Michaelle Jean.
A whole lot has happened during the past two weeks so I'll be playing catch up for a while but in the meantime you guys can help out by inflicting this site on your friends and neighbours. "Word of mouth" is a powerful promotional tool as is the coercive force of a finely honed axe. I think you'll all agree that the former option is the more palatable of the two...No? In that case make the wise choice and keep me away from the sharpening stone and while you're at it send amount is too large.


slapper58 said...

a special thanks to Dixxx, tterbfan, and Stretch for their gentle prodding and encouragement (especially the prodding)....the rest of you can rot in Hell!!

slapper58 said...

Nice batch of facts Dixxx. I actually happened upon that euphonium page while doing my research and I think that I distilled the information therein concisely. The differences are easy to see but harder to care about for most of us Phillistines. Keep on fighting the good fight.