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Saturday, August 12, 2006

Take THAT Islamo-Fascists

American entrepreneurial spirit will never be daunted by the terrorist threat. Its a dangerous world we live in but as Condaleeza Rice so wisely stated "In every dangerous situation lies an opportunity". "No more drinks allowed to be brought on planes" they tell us? A day after a seeming victory for the terrorists it looks as if our way of life won't have to change at all. The geniuses at Similac (patriots all) have come up with a line of baby formula for adults. Says company CEO Winston Velasquez; "The FAA said only baby formula was allowed on planes and we saw this as an opportunity...we'll have a whole line of flavors by fall....hazelnut, gin, what have you! It says for baby and toddler on the can but it's really for everyone. That's the beauty of it!" So, we'll keep on flying and keep on drinking only now we'll be getting better nutritional value...nice try Al Qaeda.


Marshall Darts said...


I was wondering, who was the lexicogicographical genius that came up with the term "Islamo-fascism?" What an awkward mouthful. Aren't Bin Laden and his buddies just Islamic terrorists, or extremists, or fundamental...

That's the problem. Bush and Fox News don't want to refer to them as Islamic "fundamentalists." It would invite comparisons with US Christian fundamentalist preachers and Boy George supporters like Jerry Falwell, John Hagee and Pat Robertson.

Some of the comparisons about intolerance, incorrect and self-serving interpretations of Scripture, demonization of foes, and trying to impose a theocracy on nation states might become a little too close for comfort for Boy George. Of course for Americans you'd also have to add the extra term "greed" since the TV evangelists are as rich as Croesus.

Yes. Stay away from the word "fundamentalism" George, it might reflect back upon you.

slapper58 said...

Sure Bush is an idiot and any religious fundamentalism is an evil force but "Islamo-fascism"? that REALLY such a bad term. Many of the people doling out fatwahs, blowing tourists up and lighting dissenters on fire are fundamentalists with a twist who readily use terror (a defining fascist tactic) as a means to an end, that being an Islamic theocracy to replace all the governments currently being run by Satan. If I were Muslim I'd probably have a rough time having the words Islam and Fascism cobbled together. More objectionable still would be that unfortunately I'd be getting tarred with the same brush as those crazed zealots who presently are controlling the dialogue. Ask Salman Rushdie and others of his ilk about what happens when a moderate (perhaps secular) Muslim speaks out against the hi-jacking of their religion by madmen. These moderates are now being terrorized from all sides (racial profiling or suicide bomb victim, at least they get to chose) and only speak out at the greatest of risk. I think a reasonable case can be made for Islamo-fascist, extremist,and terrorist but the word fundamentalist seems a tad understated and broad...don't ya think?
While we're at it here's some more stuff to mull: I don't think pacifism exists nor do I think that there's such thing as a winnable war anymore (although I think Canada could kick Bermuda's tanned ass!). Please weigh in.