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Thursday, August 03, 2006

SCORE!!! The Blob Goes One on One With Mel Gibson in an Exclusive Interview!!

Sometimes when opportunity doesn't come a knockin' you have to go grab it and pull it towards you by the scruff of the neck. So there I was sitting in front of the TV and hearing about how poor Mel Gibson was reaching out to the Jewish community to help him heal. Here are some excerpts from his letter: ".......But please know from my heart that I am not an anti-Semite. I am not a bigot. Hatred of any kind goes against my faith...... I'm not just asking for forgiveness. I would like to take it one step further, and meet with leaders in the Jewish community, with whom I can have a one-on-one discussion to discern the appropriate path for healing."
Then the reports come in about the cautious and unaccomodating reaction from said community and then the lightbulb goes on over my head! As a Jew with a growing readership I have more clout than I did at this time last year so a simple phone call to Gibson's publicist and a brief explanation that BLOB was an acronym for a Hebrew phrase (B'nai Lechem Ohevet Baruch - brotherhood of the beloved and blessed bread.....YOU do better!) and I was IN!! Stay tuned to this site for my interview/intervention with Mr. Mad Max himself. If anyone has any questions they'd like me to ask him please submit them in a hurry. He may call at any time.


Anonymous said...

FOR HEAVEN SAKES !!! JUST LOOK AROUND YOU!!! When in B.C. do as the Beeceeians do.................A flashy brown Birkenstock accompanied by sturdy home knit woolen socks(rolled down a bit to expose a good two month growth of the natural leg covering)
Go crazy next as we move up the body and chose a one hundred percent cotton long skirt tie died with natural extracts from the blueberry and rasberry family!! go crazy and do it your self like ghandi did, all the better if you weave the cotton yourself. unfortunately cotton doesn't grow in B.C. BUT HEMP SURE DOES!!!!!!! So its off to the local ( one of many) hemp stores to find all the latest in a natural fiber hemp tee-shirt to complete the look. ( oops dont forget to top it off with one of a trillion new styles of fashionable headware from a light cotton floppy hat all the way to a cool rastafarian wooly toque. enjoy!!! Montrealers will be swooning and green with envy upon your return......Yours in perpetuity .. the barren beaver

Anonymous said...

Not sure I can top that outfit, but I'll try. I'm actually IN Montreal so maybe you should listen to me, Rainforestgals, not Barren Beaver who I happen to know is sitting in the wilds of Alberta where fashion is an unknown.

Lately I've been seeing a lot of women down around the Plateau area (a VERY fashionable part of town!) wearing what look like men's suits, often with the sleeves trendily "zjuzjed" (for you Albertans, that means 'rolled up') and an open collar for added allure. Fedoras worn at a jaunty angle complete the ensemble.

Give this a try at home; experiment in front of the mirror to get the sleeves just right. You'll be fending off suitors right and left, if you'll forgive the pun.

slapper58 said...

Dixxx you may find that with the OUT Games over the "single sock" fashion trend won't be around until the next pride parade. Stretch you seem to be describing what I've thought Montreal has needed more of for a long time...more women dressing like effeminate 30's gangsters!