Is your kid an under-achiever?...a social outcast with little or no self-esteem?....untalented and unmotivated?....in short a loser?
- If this sounds all too familiar then I'm sure that you as a parent have reason to fear for his future. "What kind of work can there possibly be out there for a kid like this?" you've asked yourself countless times, no doubt looking ahead now that you realize his childhood is a total write off. (Important note to my own children; This does NOT apply to you....I won't have you quoting this post to your shrink in 20 years time.) After doing a bit of typical Blob type research I've come across a vocational placement agency that specializes in just this sort of thing. PERDO SERVICES has a list of several jobs and their respective required aptitudes that will put your mind to rest. Here are just a couple:
- Insecurity guard- Minimal contact with public and a uniform that bestows a somewhat unnatural sense of self. Must enjoy doing nothing punctuated by periods of stasis.
- Un-stable boy - Work extensively with horses who will never mock you or try to dissuade you when inevitably, the voices in your head start telling you to light fires.

1 comment:
You could have been describing my boy to a tee, Blob. How did you know? The solution he has found is to become a stage actor. It's the quintessential job for someone with no wish to be in the real world. In fact, he'll NEVER have to be in the real world. Rehearsals run 12 hours which pretty much kills the day. He'll take home his 35 bucks and go wild with it, only to return at noon the next day to start over. Perfect. He'll be so busy interpreting Shakespeare he'll never have to interpret his own raison d'etre. I couldn't be prouder. I recommend it to all young men trying to find their way.
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