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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Canadian (mal)Content

Canada is by and large a socialist country and as a taxpayer who enjoys reaping the benefits of our mostly equitable system I can't complain (I can and will but hang on a sec). I love the free health care, cheap prostitutes, and home veal subsidies(....what? didn't know about those??) and I'm able to spend a lot of time working on The Blob rather than search for employment because of our social safety net which is all the security I need! I was what you'd call a self-satisfied Canadian until I got this in the mail:
Ist of all what kind of name is Konrad Von Finckenstein (no joke!!) and how did he get to be chairman. I thought I was doing pretty well in the CanCon department and now this. With Big brother breathing down my neck I suppose I'll have to put a more Canadian slant to things. That shouldn't present too much of a problem but feel free to complain if it does. Let's start with a look at Canadian talent and ingenuity that will be sure to please Mr. so called Von Finckenstein.


slapper58 said...

BTW for all you naysayers, Doubting Thomases, Johhny-come-lately's, and Milton-pass-the-creamcheese's out there, The Blob contains a significant amount of truth! The name Konrad Von Finckenstein is the real deal and my recipe for Lutefisk (see Norway post comments) is copied verbatim with my additions appearing as bracketed inserts. So there!

slapper58 said...

oh more thing; Those ads for adult diapers in the sidebar?...real. Every time you click on one I make .7 of a penny AND the baby Jesus tinkles (as legend has it)

Anonymous said...

The legend is true, blessed be thy blog.