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Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Fresh from the over-indulgence and subsequent atonement that are the Jewish high holidays I feel refreshed and ready to resume the Blob albeit with a cold and laryngitis and GF Phyllis in town. My Rosh Ha Shanna resolution for 5767 is to stop referring to all oriental peoples as Chinese. It should be easy enough although that's what I said last year before failing dismally in the celebrated incident at "The Saigon Garden" that got me banned for life. (apologies to Mr. Ng and his children; Kn, Bt, and little Vb jr.)
It's a pleasure to see Viv back in print after what seems like an eternity without her insightful commentary and pointed questions.'s need to apologize. I realize that people who have jobs, kids, and absentee husbands have less time for posting comments.
Both Viv and Dixxx have questions about my sidebar ads and in particular the ones relating to counter terrorism. I'll get to that in an upcoming post but before I do I should point out that I too have questions about the ad choices made by my parent company. Today's juxtapostion of fast food and blood diarrhea advertisements can only be the work of a twisted practical joker at AdSense.( but to be on the safe side stay away from Wendy's Spinach Caesar Tartare for a while) BTW I hear that every 10th person to click on the latter ad gets a free "I beat blood diarrhea" T shirt. Good luck to you all!!

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