For almost 3 years now, The Blob has meant so much to so few. Useless advice and information have been doled out, jokes told, fake products hawked and all free of charge. (don't worry...I'm not about to ask you for money)
With that in mind let's all take a deep breath as we wade into the murky waters of relationships. A subject that perhaps, amidst all the frivolity, I've neglected.
Problems are many and solutions are hard to come by, after all ... people, including women, are involved. I'll now attempt to clear a couple of things up where so many others have made vast fortunes failing.

I too have such a device, specifically tailored to look out from behind my computer and into the psyches of my female readership. Doctor Phil would kill for such a thing but again, don't worry... it's metaphorical.
What I see from this vantage point is that women in commited, heterosexual, relationships are by and large missing the boat. The majority who complain of not being loved properly or validated sufficiently need only broaden their scope and look around their own houses. Are their rules being followed by their spouse? ... cabinet doors and drawers closed, clothes picked up, towels rehung etc. etc. If so this is one of the many ways your man is telling you that he loves and respects you. For many men these behaviours do not come naturally.
For your husband, NOT forgetting his used underwear on the kitchen table while he stops by the fridge on the way to the laundry room is every bit as valid a loving gesture as leaving a single rose on your pillow and yet women continuously overlook the obvious.
Why would we put the toilet seat down if it wasn't out of respect for you? Have the stray hairs been cleaned from the bathtub, the beard stubble rinsed from the sink, the very sink that he pees in without telling you??? The floors or dishes washed and any other number of chores completed during the course of a given week? And all this on top of saying he loves you, opening the occasional door and making sure your physical and emotional needs are far as he can tell.
There is so much love going on and you aren't even aware of it. Soon enough and as a consequence, the husband starts to feel invalidated and the downward spiral begins.
The answer of course is to start noticing and embracing these loving gestures, not keying in on the odd fault. That twinge in the pit of your stomach you felt when I mentioned "a single rose left on your pillow" can happen all day long if yo
u choose to notice what is already there and trust me ladies, the twinges compound and build until you feel like exploding. Some women I've spoken to who have adopted this attitude have actually climaxed using this technique. I call it a "choregasm" and according to them it's every bit as good as the real thing!

Does he wash your walls, polish your floors, scrub your carpet, degrease your oven, lather your cat??? He loves you!! Now leave him alone and let him watch TV.
If only he could bake a cake too......sigh......
What if the answer to most of those questions is "no". What then, eh, Blob? THEN how do you tell whether he loves you? Just wondering...
BTW, Blob, I've sent your link to some very intelligent, worldly women I know, so please do me proud and make sure you edit your posts properly!! No more "you're" when you mean "your" and "who's" when you mean "whose". I mean it this time!! And no more shiksas!! They're nothing but trouble.
Your Mom's right, Blob... smarten the fuck up, chrissakes! I know for a FACT that your poor grammar and punctuation makes The Baby Jesus cry!
BTW... Stunned Stupid, I'm sure that you'll feel completely at home here at The Blob... welcome!!
Concisely yours, Boney M
That's great Blob, thanks for clearing all that up. But can you write a post that helps the young unmarried types feel the love? And not the kind of love she can get at the bar any time she wants. The kind of love where she can get off AND have someone do her chores for her. Any suggestions? (nothing expensive neither!)
C'mon Mave, a guy that can bake too??? No such thing!!
As for the rest of you and re my odd spelling or grammar mistakes; This is not a big operation I'm running here. No eager staff, no fancy newsroom,just me, a computer and occasionaly some underwear.
As such I edit as best I can and then keep editing even after I've posted. This is where you guys come in!
Without you, my dear readers, any number of horrific errors would go uncorrected. You are like the little birds that eat the ticks off of rhinos and for this I'll be eternally greatfull.
Vivvy, I'm assuming, of course, that this is a hypothetical question. The answer is quite simple; he doesn't (or he's clinically depressed. It's your call...hypothetically)
Of course it was a hypothetical question! pfft..
Wow, your Mom is like a bird that eats the ticks off of rhinos?? Nice! You're going to "get it" on your "beaten end" as my great-aunt used to say. Can't wait to share THAT with her! Us Moms stick together, you know!
Blobster, long-time listener, first-time caller...
In my mind's eye, I'm quite certain that the Romper Room "host/teachers" (they were SO much more than that to me, I assure you!), were way, way hotter than that homely pooch (woof! woof!) in photo #1...
Here's the thing, Blob... that delightful young lady in photo #3, to my mind, could pass for any and all of those exciting, wonderful young ladies who enlivened (you know, REALLY enlivened!) my childhood... I could easily, then and now, imagine her raising her "magic mirror", and then, spanking the living daylights out of me because I'd been so very, very naughty! Was/is that SO wrong, Blob? Tell me, tell me, tell me true! Hahahaha!!!
Ah, Romper Room... now THAT was "television worth watching"!!!
Oh, Spanky.........(!!!!!!!!!)
Fuck off, Tobias...
Love is in the air...da da da da da...
Spanky..Tobias...thanks for cancelling each other out. Keep up the good work!|
Jeepers... now see here!! This is SO wrong! What in tarnation has gotten into the world today?
Why, Mr. Green Jeans and Bird Birdan (you remember, the weather man!) must be spinning in their graves... I know I am!! And I just know that the good folks down at Aubichon Hardware would NEVER, EVER have sponsored this kind of FILTH!!!
Disgustedly yours,
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