Peter Graves (AKA Jim Phelps, leader of the Mission Impossible team) died this past weekend at about the same time that serious allegations about Joseph Ratzinger (AKA Pope Benedict XVI, leader of the Catholic Church) and a cover-up of priestly pedophilia were coming to light.
The crack Blob research team has managed once again to find a connection, albeit tenuous, between these two men and recent events. Listen up:
- Both men changed their names for professional reasons...Graves from Arness because his brother James was already the well known star of Gunsmoke. Ratzinger to Benedict because of some edict that I was too lazy to look up.
- Both men were devoutly Christian
- Peter Graves, born in 1926, played a Nazi in Stalag 17 while Ratzinger, born in 1927, played one in the Hitler Youth.
- Graves, despite a flagging post MI career almost turned down his most celebrated roll; Captain Oveur in the cult classic Airplane. He strongly objected to the scene in question because it had his character hitting on a little boy beginning with the now famous opening line "ever been in a cockpit before?" Graves was troubled by this but eventually decided to go ahead with the self-parody of the stalwart and upstanding Phelps thereby paving the way for similar star turns by Leslie Nielsen and Al Gore. Watch this YouTube clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sp-BYkOGkw at 3:20 - 5:24
- The current Pope, born in 1927, may have been responsible for enforcing a secret Vatican vow of silence regarding sex crimes known by its Latin name Crimen Sollicitationis. Watch this disturbing BBC report: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3335354490744010763#
- Graves - US Navy. Ratzinger - Nazi anti-aircraft unit. (ok...so he deserted, the war was almost over anyways!)
Two men, born a year apart who's lives took different paths and who made difficult choices in the face of some serious moral questions. We lost a good one yesterday.
Yeah, well, sadly, we've still got a really bad one with us... although if this thoroughly mediocre, pathetic excuse of a human being is the best that "God" can find to lead His Stinking, Rotting and Crumbling "Universal Church", then there are better days ahead... Hallelujia (or however it's spelled)!!! Whore of Rome indeed!!!
GOD said....
I heard that Bonemikexxxster!! Have you checked your brakes recently??
Don't listen to him Mikey, he's always cranky before he's had his late-evening diddle. You better believe they keep that shit quiet up there now, after that one infamous victim who just couldn't take it anymore flew off the handle (so to speak). But, hey, the way I see it? If it weren't for the big man upstairs, I wouldn't have a job!
The idea that emotionally-twisted, creepy, smelly old men dressed up in medieval costumes have managed to convince the world that they are "God's" representatives and our spiritual guides here on earth is unbelievable... how is it that Homo "Sapiens" can be so stupid???
You're preaching to the choir, Boney M! Keep the faith, brother!
BTW, you missed a bitchin' party tonight (as the kids say)...!
Wow! Powerful stuff, Bonemikester! Completely wrong, of course, and you WILL spend Eternity in Hell for it, but still! And at 6:30AM, too! Good for you!
Normally, at that time of morning, I'm just getting back to the Papal Apartments after a (very!) rigorous night of "Choir Boy Practice" (wink wink!!)!! As God is my witness... it's not easy being Pope, I swear!! Sometimes I feel so drained (ha ha ha!!!)!!!
Anyhoo, as we Princes of The Church laughingly say in the shower after "choir rehearsal", "extinctus ambitur idem", eh...?? Ha ha!!! Papal Infallibility and all that, eh?!?!?!
ROAST IN HELL, SINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blobby, I really MUST tell you; your Blob is delicious; quite simply DELICIOUS!! I just LOVE it!!
It's sexy, it's smart, and best of all, it's just a TEENSY bit smarmy (well, a LOT smarmy... but who doesn't love smarmy, right, Blobby?)!! What a naughty, naughty boy you must be!!
I swear! I got goose bumps and squealed like a happy little school-girl when I saw that you were posting again!!
But my point is, you dear, dear, delightfully bad man (!!), even though I'm clearly going against the grain here, I must say that I grew up in the Catholic Church, and I for one LOVED my time as a choir boy; just LOVED it!!
BTW... if you're ever in L.A. ......... :o) :o) :o)
OH PLEASE, PHIL McCRACKIN!!! Ha ha ha!! Oh, my!! Is this yet another of your merry, merry japes, Blobber?? You always were such a scamp!!! What a saucy rascal!!!
But tell me, Blob... mano a mano... that can't possibly be a real name, can it? Is it?? And you know him?? AND he lives right here in LA??? How crazy is that, my comedic friend (btw, I read a funny one in the paper today... what are the three words a married person doesn't want to hear while making love? ....... "Honey, I'm home!!!"...... ha ha ha!! where DO they get this stuff??)?!?!?
Anyhoo, Blobbie, you know how I spend all my time keeping my beloved women-folk happy (yes, it's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it, right? Ha ha! Just so!!)... but if you think your friend and I might hit it off, why, maybe Mr. Phil McCracken and I could, as the cool kids say, "hook up"!!! What do you think, old pal o' mine? Tobias
Get outta here!!
Hey there, pope RatzenFucker XVI, most holy vicar of god, chief arsehole of the holy apostolic, child-buggering, soul-destroying universal church (and colleague... who knew!!!); just watched that BBC documentary... thanks for the help; but most importantly, thanks for making Us look so good by comparison!!!
Beelzebub (I have many, many names!!)
Hey there, pope RatzenFucker XVI, most holy vicar of god, chief arsehole of the holy apostolic, child-buggering, soul-destroying universal church (and colleague... who knew!!!); just watched that BBC documentary... thanks for the help; but most importantly, thanks for making Us look so good by comparison!!!
Beelzebub (I have many, many names!!)
but why didn't God just protect all the little kids?
Because you touch yourself at night!
Underworld princess, won't you weigh in? I feel the conversation is a little one-sided.
Fuck pedophiles.
Hello, Timmy! How are you today? My! You are such a clever boy! Are you sure that you're only seven years old? Ha ha! I'm just kidding! I'll bet that you're the smartest boy in your class... am I right? And I'll bet that you ask a lot of questions in class, too! Good for you, Timmy! That's how we learn things!
Now I have a question for you! Isn't this fun? Questions are good because they make us think about things... important things! Here's my question... ready, Timmy? Here it is! You would never want to make The Baby Jesus sad, would you, Timmy? No... I didn't think so!
You see, asking inappropriate (that's just a fancy, adult, big, long word for wrong, Timmy! Wrong!) questions really, really makes The Baby Jesus sad... sometimes it even makes The Baby Jesus cry! You don't want to make Baby Jesus cry, do you, Timmy? No... of course not! Because, in addition to being smart, you're a good boy! And everybody knows it, too! Smart, good boys would never make Baby Jesus cry!!
Have you ever thought that it would be nice to make Baby Jesus happy, Timmy? Wouldn't that be fun? Because, you know, lots and lots of things make Him happy! For example, singing makes Him happy! Do you ever sing, Timmy? Baby Jesus LOVES it when children sing! That's why we have a children's choir here at our Church... just so that we can make The Baby Jesus happy!
Hey.....!! I've got a great idea! Why don't you come and sing with us at Church, Timmy? We'll have a lot of fun, and we'll make Baby Jesus really, really happy too! I just know that you and I are going to be very, very special friends! And everyone needs a special friend, don't you think? See you real soon, Timmy!
Your new friend, Father M. O'lester SJ
Hey Lazy-Ass Fucker Blob!!!
What??? You've "taken a powder", just three posts into your LATEST "new beginning"??????????
WTF??????????????? SCHMUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No PRESSURE, but the clock is ticking...............
A concerned citizen
Hey Blob, about that jerk, concerned citizen...
I swear that guy's not me, if that's what you're thinking...
I have too much respect for you as well as the artistic process to be on your case.
Hey, dumb-ass concerned citizen... it's like baking a cake... it'll be ready when it's ready!!
Bob, should I send you a picture of my boob hanging out? You should be able to make a descent post out of that, eh?
Concerned Citizen..you sound a lot like a somewhat drunken BoneMikexxxster...well done!
Maria..really!!? One boob?? A little stingy, no? 2 and maybe some sort of fishnet body stocking and we may have ourselves a deal!
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