At any rate, if you like video games and are the least bit anal retentive then your day has finally arrived!! An extra $150 bucks and Play Station will provide the exciting reed making module!!
Did somebody say "Say goodbye to going outside??!!??"

If you are looking for something more suitable for the less coordinated and attentive 3-7 year old then hang in there. Sources tell me that the much awaited Euphonium Hero is only weeks away!
Howdy ther, Blob!
In these touf times, an' all, whenwe are all aneedin'mebbe some guidince, its time noew for summore Dog Rules? I'm just askin', is all...
Fuck hicks.
Tarnation, missy, ain't no call fer talk suchas thet 'round here! Some ofus isCristians, right?Seemssome of us liketa wallow in sin just fer the funofit like a pig in filth agood gargle with lye soap'd clean up thet fowl mouth a yourn my mammy used ta say never mind yer makin' The Baby Jesus cry! I reckon yer some kinda bigcity smartypantstrollop er somthin' eh? All kinda swannin' 'round in fancypants an' faethers, drinkin' licour an' sashayin' here an' there ta beat the folk ain't good enuff fer ya, eh?? i gess ya think yer preey specail eh? Maria
praise Theb Lord is what i'm asayin'! Jethro b
Fuck hicks.
wall Blob,
Its prity darn claer ta me this here blob a yourn aint no Clasicall Greak Sympsoium er whateer ya calls it eh? Lemmee ask ya a question BLob? I surly do hope miss Marai Callus is goldarn purty, or has money ersomthin cause, she sur aint too quick on the draw eh? Ai'nt so well articulated niether.. is she a tuoch addeld in the brian? is her Ma an' Pa to closerelated fer comfert er supthin, if ya take my meanin'??? Jus' askin" is all.. see ya around.
oNemore thing, thier, Maira Callios, the Lordis' yer Good Freind right? ya might be a moroon with nothin' ta say wih not a pot ta piss in an' ya miht beabout as ugly as the arse end of a done-in spavined billygoat eh, but Jesus Loves Ya! HALEULAH!!! JESUS LOVES YA!!! Good News eh Maia? Prase His name!!! like The Good Book says ""once iwas lost but now, Im found this one thing i now" . An' whats wrong with that eh? amen Jesues!! Jethro B
Dear Mr. Barnes (and I'll deal with the savages who've sullied these pages in a moment),
Let me first say how sorry I was to hear of your recent passing in 2008.
I feel both deeply honoured and privileged that a critic of your erudition and breadth of knowledge has perused my humble blog, not to mention the fact that you've seen fit to pass comment upon it, and from beyond the grave yet!!
I'm well aware that in headier days a Barnes hatchet job in The Times could spell disaster for a fledgling Broadway show and while I felt the grazing blow of your ax head I feel relief at having been spared a fatal blow.
Please allow me a bit more time to find my way as I try to revive The Blob. Don't be too harsh, don't dissuade potential readers, and let me spread my wings anew so that I might fly amongst the literary angels once more.
Speaking of which...keep up the great work in your current heavenly post.
Let me quote from your last critique:
"....and frankly speaking, Haiti has been done to death! A massive earthquake this go round is nothing more than a hackneyed variation on a theme. What does one have to do for an original story line around here I ask you?? It's been millenia since the greatest story ever told and while it was indeed a tale worthy of tremendous praise one must wonder how long God plans to rest on his laurels. Our heavenly father should stop taking career advice from Orson Welles and deliver the goods... Where's that Christ sequel we've been promised??..."
A Memo from The Council for TV Character Accuracy:
Dearest Ms. Callous,
Thank you for your concise (though vulgar)and dismissive rebuttal of that fraud of an impostor who created a mockery of Max Baer's iconic creation; Jethro Bodine.
Whoever is responsible for such a travesty has little regard for TV or the truth. We are all for freedom of speech but this is nothing more than blatant defamation of character....perhaps the original Jethro wasn't stupid enough for you. Maybe thre late, great Clive Barnes was referring to people like you when he wrote:
"Television is the first truly democratic culture, the first culture available to everyone and entirely governed by what the people want. The most terrifying thing is what people do want".
Dear Anonymous (if that's your real name),
Well, you're right on one count... I have little regard for "TV", because "TV", far too often, is nothing more than a celebration of stupidity. Clive Barnes spoke the truth (I'm all for that!), of course... "it is terrifying what people do want"...
BTW, Anonymous... personally, I was always much more interested in Elly May than Jethro... but that's just me; to each his own, I guess. Not that there's anything wrong with that (Hey! Look at me! That's a quote from "TV"!)!
I'm gettin' dizzy!
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