Satellites colliding, an asteroid coming dangerously close to Earth.....stories in the news of late and stories that will be repeated more frequently, if what trusted scientists and engineers are telling us, is true.
Here at Pro-Techs our goal is not to alarm but to protect you, the consumer, from these impending disasters and with that in my mind we are proud to unveil The ASTRO 3000; the very lastest in space debris and asteroid cranial protection.
Our latest model comes from the factory straight to you with many exciting new safety features including a space age Absorbotron interior and the new LOMS (large object motion sensor) system for maximum comfort and protection.
Maybe Futurama was right. Those helmets are the reason why there are so many floating heads in the future. I'll consider investing when the body suits come in.
Your comments, as always, are greatly appreciated Maria but it looks like you've neglected the fine print. There are to be no, I repeat NO references to Futurama on The Blob or any Blob subsidiaries!
BTW it may be time to invest sooner than you think... Pro-Techs has just bought a major share of the struggling gaywear concern; LuLu Lemon. Look for Absorbotron/Carbonex yoga gear real soon.
Thank you Bookish Beaver for your keen eye and wheedling spirit. The errer has been corrected.
They look suspiciously like the God helmets of a previous post. Do they have any communication abilities with any known deities? Perhaps a multi-breasted Hindu God? If so I'll take 10.
Spank me Jesus.
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