Call it what you will; deja vu, flashback, sort of remembering something, but the goings on in the comment section since my departure some 2 weeks ago has me recalling similar events of last summer.
Last year, without my guidance, several habitual Blob readers started bickering amongst themselves but eventually peace was restored (this coincided with a return to more regular posting...hmmm).
Today I logged on after successfully tarping down some 180 bales of hay (Bethany Hartman's boys, Dale and Hyram, delivered it on a flat bed truck and stacked it artfully....good work guys!!). I was sorely disappointed to see two Blob mainstays, Dixxx and Mikexxster, going at it tooth and nail in the comment section with Dixxx even telling Mikexxster in Latin to, and I quote; "bite me old man!!"
The issue is a Blob slogan and each has submitted a worthy candidate for placement in the masthead. I precipitously chose Dixx's and incurred the jealous wrath (cleverly yet passively yet aggressively concealed as warm-hearted benevolence) of Mr. Mikexxster. I feel partially to blame for this mess and must find a Solomonesque solution (and fast!!!) lest the storm clouds of enmity obscure the blazing radiance of their friendship.
Dear Blob,
Remember whilst in Alberta the old cowboy saying:
"Caveo carnero fimus!"
Vestri in Deus.
Biggus Dixxxus Puerilis est!
Ursus Maximus!!! Can't we all just get along??
and as for Dixxx, now you tell me...gratiae nusquam!!!
Hello, Blobbie! As a bosom pal of ol' Mikexster (I know what you're all thinking............I wish!!!! ((just kidding!!! (((not really!!!))))), I cannot, in good conscience, remain above the fray!!
Assuming your translation of Dixxx's incendiary phrase to be correct, let me state, for the record, that I will "take it on the chin" for my buddy (it's the manly thing to do!!)!!
This Dixxx (as a name, it's not much of a mouthful, yet you can really sink your teeth into it!!) needs to be aware that certain of Mikexster's friends are more than willing to "suck it up" for that wonderful, manly man!!!! En Garde, Dixxx!!! Give me your best shot!!!!!! Tobias
Hey Tobias!! Thanks for covering my back (or was it my front?)!! You'll make a wonderful catamite for some lucky man, one day (Ha! Ha! Just kidding!!! ((not really!!!)))!!!
Boy, that Dixxx is some piece of work, isn't he? Of course, by now, you know much more about that subject than the rest of us ever will!!
Thanks, Toby!!! BTW; Dixxx says that you're the greatest (We don't really need to know!!!)!!!
Certus alius mos!
Could you guys get back to using either of the two official languages or else provide a glossary of faux-Latin definitions?
Ouyay uysgay ucksay!! (Say that ten times fast!)
Amamay Allouscay
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