Blobele, Blobbie, him what you will, but today as we go to press the founder of The Blob is a sick man. We've decided on a policy of full disclosure so as Blobbie puts it "this (hits,his sit, its, tis, shit) doesn't happen to anyone else (seel, eels, eel, lee, lees, sel, ess, els,)."
Let's go back about 30 some odd years to a time when Blob would spend hours every day in close fought Boggle battles with his brother Barry. Days turned to months, school work and social skills suffered as he'd even practice alone when his brother was off becoming a doctor.
You see, Blob was a boggle word game addict and it was only a cold turkey situation brought about by 2 years away at school in the States that saved him. For more than three decades he's avoided the game and has lived a fulfilling and productive life but fast forward to the present and things have changed for the worse.
A well meaning friend and Blob contributor; Mama "the enabler" C, invited him to play a game called Scramble on Facebook. Little did he know that this was their version of Boggle. This explains the lack of posts of late as his addiction returned immediately and with an unexpected ferocity.
Earlier his morning after a family intervention he was carted off to a treatment center babbling an incoherent stream of anagrams. When he is fit to return only time will tell but fortunately our "Write A Blob Post" contest in last month's Better Homes and Gardens has found a winner and we've talked her into taking over for a while. The tone and content may be different than what blobophiles are used to but a little change never hurt anyone. Let us now present to you our contest winner from Wilmington, Delaware...Mrs. Nan Wilkinson!!
The latest from Nan is that she'll be posting as soon as the cakes are done for the bake sale (rotarians first!!) and then she has a bit of scrapbooking to finish up. We're all looking forward to it Nan!!