The end of the year is a time for taking stock, getting one's house in order, and moving ahead optimistically.
Here at The Blob it's been a year of steady readership growth, improved photoshop skills, brazen envelope pushing and a 27% increase in nudity (Saudi know you love it!!)
As always I've assembled a team of expert panelists to choose The Blob post of the year so let's run down the top item from each month before we announce the winner.
JANUARY: Although I was gone for the half the mont
h it was still avery good crop of articles. Nothing can beat Jan. 1 for it's combination of warm Xmas/family values and perversity.

FEBRUARY: An interesting month although I didn't really hit my stride till later on. Best photo is from the 23rd but Feb. 26th and Aretha Franklin: 3 Times a Lady takes it by a chin.
MARCH: No 1st choice here. It was a slow month (only 8 posts!)marked by mild depression and major comp problems. Readership was way down, winter was dragging it's feet, let's move on.
APRIL: A month of recovery and discovery. Apr. 23rd wins with the help of the Lauren Butterfield links.
I urge you to check these out. If you don't you're a lazy,misguided chunk of crap.
MAY: The Blob gets it's groove back. My own personal favorite (Euphoniach, May 10) didn't make the cut because of a little something from May 22nd called "Where's the Jewish Porn?".
This post introduced me to the Arab world and gave a huge boost to the readership numbers.
JUNE: A watershed month and June 26th takes the prize! This was the day when Mikexxxster and Maria Callous both graced The Blob for the 1st time. They have gone on to provide a sickly kind of sexual tension that this site so badly needed. At present Mikexxxster seems to have dropped the ball and I've had to move in and assume his role. This included a
n extended holiday stay with Maria at her parent's party palace (was it 2 or 3 times we hot tubbed together) where I handled her flirtations with an avuncular dignity that Mikexxxster could only dream of...example; I only chuckled and crossed my legs demurely when Maria, about to pour me a beer, asked: "I can't think of any other way to phrase you like head??(giggle)" She was of course refering to the beer foam (I think).

JULY: A prolific 21 post month!! Pope's and fries, the first cock
shot courtesy of Michaelangelo and a magnifying glass but we have a winner and it's July 24th and the Euph!!! playbill cover. So authentic that it even fooled M. Callous.

AUGUST: Marked by controversy, cleavage, and competition this was indeed a busy month. Regular contributor Dixxx stirred up trouble by writing in as a woman named Maria del Clevagio who I mistook for Maria Callous thereby inspiring the wrath of her mother, Mama C.
The competition was a pie baking contest that was chronicled here and wins a rare "series" award for single-theme-based posts spread over several days.
SEPTEMBER: And the winner is....September 12th Ask Uncle Blob where this site truly fulfilled it's mandate as an advice resource. The Blob community rallied around young oenophile Maria C. and her man problems. In the coming year we can only wish her a ready and steady supply of men and/or wine (as the french say; coq au vin)
OCTOBER: Very difficult to choose with Tterbfan (AKA Ken Dryden), Dixxx and the Callouses acting as catalysts for some good posting. Let's give it to Oct 12 and 15 for the Dixxx wedding.
NOVEMBER: A no brainer...November 22nd for GF Phyllis' birthday post (see: appeasment)
DECEMBER: Definitely December 19th the Wilsons. After all, what would this site be without the euphonium, the people who play it, and the inspiration it gives me. (Honorable mention to the Roberta Flack interview and album cover Dec. 4).
and now the moment we've all been waiting for....judges, the envelope please (cue timpani roll)
And the winner for Blob Post of the Year goes to...damn I can never open these things....WOW, this is a shocker......from November 28th....2006????? The Greatest Orchestra Ever
Good night everyone!! God bless and drive safely.
Blobbie! You like me!! You really like me!! I hoped, I dreamed that maybe one best-of-month award might be a remote possibility-the standards are so high!!!..............looking back, the chimera of early success, then the seemingly endless struggle for so many years.....,the death of Freida.........against all the odds.....and now TWO best-ofs!!!!!!! I feel like the prettiest girl at the ball!!!!!!!! I'm living the dream!!! Somebody pinch me!!! It's true, yes, I'm just a simple country-bred euphonium player, but, really; let's be honest here...... a talent as big as all outdoors, and a heart to match......well!!!! It's no surprise, really, is it?? Look at me! LOOK AT ME!!!!!! I'M KING OF THE WORLD!!!!!!! I suppose I should thank the "little people" who "helped me blah blah blah, yada yada".....WHATEVER!!!!!!!! I'm back, baby!! I'M BACK!!! A great big MIKEXXXSTER thank you to the biggest, baddest mensch of them all; I love this crazy meshuga!! Of course, I'm talkin' about the one and only BLOBBER!!!!! You rock, Blobele!!!!!! Here's to 2008 (the year of THE MIKEXXXSTER!!!!!!)!!!!! OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Henceforth, the artist formally known as Mikexxxster will, from this moment on, be known as MIKEXXXSTRA!!!! (he sooo baaaad!!!)"
Mikxxxstra not say said, he say, say! Underworld princess!!!! Where you at???????
God forgive me. What have I done.....what the f**k have I done??? So its Mikexxxstra now is it?
Let me just remind you that you merely got a couple of honourable mentions for Blob Post of the Year but lost to a bunch of naked Chinese chicks playing Tchaikovsky.
Nevertheless you did get two "best of the month" accolades so attention must be paid. Congrats and may you continue to be in 2008 the verbose source of mockery that made you such an easy target (and beloved Blob regular) in 2007.
p.s. glad to see you got the exclamation point key working again (phew)
Looks like you didn't need me afterall, Mikexxxstra. And Blob thinks Maria is the drunkard. Pff.
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