November 22nd, 2007:
44 years ago today a very special man who gave hope to millions was gunned down in Dallas by Lee Harvey Oswald. That man, of course, was president John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
47 years ago today a very special woman who gives hope (and other stuff) to at least one man (me) was born in the west of Canada to a kindly farmwoman who knew little of birth control. That woman was of course my GF Phyllis!!
One year ago today and for no good reason I completely forgot that it was her birthday to no small amount of disappointment and vowed to never let that happen again. In that spirit I wish you, my dearest Phyllis, the happiest of birthdays in this public forum so that all interested parties may bear witness to my love, dedication, and resolve.
Here is a copy of the card that should already be in your mailbox as I write this (as promised by Canada Post....don't blame me if
it's late!!). This card is reprinted as is with no touch-ups or photoshop effects:

thanks babe
Good one Bob! (for once...)
You could have been the prototype for Nurse Betty, only MUCH cuter! It seriously looks like a promo shot from General Hospital or something.
You rock! Anyway, are you coming to the Party Palace, or what?? WE need you there!
I'm looking into it, i will need to get a couple more days off. The ess on my arm is for SUPERNURSE.
NOTE THE HERPETIC LESION ON HTE LIP. I needed to insist on airbrushing, but that photo is so old I dont think it was invented yet.
Herpetic Lesions are hot!
I agree with Party Bear!! Herpetic Lesions ARE hot!!! Don't get me started on HTE LIP--- is there anything sexier??????? Mama Callous-do you mean "we NEED you there"? Or am I missing something (that's possibly none of my business?). In any event, the Party Palace seems to be the place to be in late December-however; if Brian Mulrony is there, consider me out (Mila, well, maybe- but only if she has a herpetic lesion, and, ideally, an HTE LIP thingy!!! ) !!!! Wooohoooo!!!!!!!!!
I have to come to Phyllis' defense here and point out that what you mistake for a typo HTE is merely an acronym for Her Totally Excellent (LIP).
Who is this Brian Mulrony fellow??
I remember we had a prime minister name of Mulroney...surely you don't mean him
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