DIXXX writes:
Dear Blob,
Have you ever heard of the God Helmet?
If you're referring to Dr. Michael Persinger's apparatus then yes I have (and thanks for asking by the way.) Experiments using this controversial device seem to indicate that certain areas of the brain, when stimulated with weak magnetic fields, can produce feelings of being visited by
a "presence", either God or dead relative like. The topic is fascinating and easily researched on the web.

I agree with you Dixxx that it would be fun to have one of these gizmos at home but the cost is prohibitive. There are other ways of finding religious ecstasy. Some Haitians use voodoo drums and dance, some Catholics use guilt and self -flaggelation and some of my people, the Hassids to be precise, use a ridiculous over-structured lifestyle coupled with frenzied bouts of drinking (weddings, bar mitzvahs, and the holiday Purim). On these occasions they let go and party like it's 1929 then quickly revert to worrying whether their asparagus florets have been washed in vinegar to kill any tiny mites that may lurk therein. (wouldn't be kosher!!)
While Christians claim to have already had one messianic visitation Jews are still waiting. The old testament says we'll return to the Holy Land after the messiah (moshiach in Hebrew) shows up which is why Hassidim don't recognize Israel as a viable state. For these devout zealots the wait can get long and the entrepreneurial among them have come up with some clever solutions for inducing religious euphoria. Here's one that may interest you:

This has nothing to do with God/Brain (and may be old news for you low brass players) but it was too good not to share in case you haven't seen it.
Check out thepetersonproject.com
PS: Maria C. - just in case you haven't had your fill of trombone players lately his website says he's single.......
Thanks for the link TO-Mave. You are right...it's a trombone oriented website so clearly neither brains nor God has anything to do with it.
Thanks t.o.mave for the barrel, pistol and the nice lookin' fish, however, if I had any more trombone players in my life I'd be fishing them out of my cereal like so many stray dog-hairs. If I solicit any more I might be peer-pressured into marrying one (eww). However, I have to say that that guy represents everything I love and hate about the opposite staff; Their charm, their pathetique, their either wounded or overblown egos, their homey good-looks and of course their perfectly shaped bells and slides... ok maybe I shouldn't put up the no-solicit sign just yet...
So you don't feel left out, here's a video that my son (the drummer) pointed out to me last night which may be more up your alley. Enjoy, and I promise there are no low brass players in this one.....www.break.com - in the search field, type "tenor drum solo" and enjoy.
Maria - I hear you, try and hold out for more. You are mature (and observant) beyond your years.
Where were you in my formative years when I succumbed to their uncanny ability to turn a witty phrase and exhibit a wicked sense of humour (not to mention what they could do with their embouchures)?
Little did I know at the time that these very virtues would wear thin over the decades.
Alas, if I knew then what I know now I may have been inclined to pay a little more attention to percussionists...........
TO Mave,
Maria C would do well to heed your advice. It's easy to be swept away by the macho posturings of low brass players in one's youth and true enough (as is so often the case), most women don't realize the true merit of percussionists until they hit 40. I'm not about to list the many advantages of dating a percussionist...as they say in the states: "We hold these truths to be self evident". Suffice to say that it's never too late!!
BTW I checked out that drum video...amazing chops but as one of my teachers used to say "All heat, no light". There were about 15 seconds of music in that whole thing!! Go ahead and call me a snob but drum corp guys like him are to true musicians what body builders are to true athletes!
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