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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Photoshop Phun #17

Formal or casual? This young lady is ready for anything thanks to a simple photoshop juxtaposition. Who'd have thought back in highschool that one day I'd be the one "turning heads"!


Maria Callous said...

I don't get it.

slapper58 said...

Are you kidding or must I really explain? OK it seems pretty obvious that the new version of the picture looks like she's wearing a strapless gown. Try looking at the illusion using both eyes and make sure they are in the open position (very important).
Was that too sarcastic?? excuses....I just got back from biking and I'm being destroyed by the kid's school fees.

Anonymous said...

Ah ok. You need a better hobby.

slapper58 said...

Any suggestions?