"We all make mistakes," said Michael Vick "Dogfighting is a terrible thing and I reject it ... I found Jesus and turned my life over to God. I think that's the right thing to do as of right now."
I only hope for his sake that God is there when some dog loving prisoners come up with the appropriate ironic punishment for the star QB.
And so, another role model bites the dust. Gone are the days when athletes, actors, pageant winners and other fixtures of pop culture could actually serve as positive role models for our children. Even our lawmakers seem to be getting more loathsomely pathetic every day. Take the latest American hypocrite, Idaho repulican senator Larry Craig. He plead guilty to lewd conduct charges resulting from a sting operation in the Minneapolis airport after he propositioned an undercover cop in an adjoining stall by repeatedly tapping his foot and rubbing his hand along the bottom of the stall divider, apparently common sign language among the anonymous gay bathroom sex crowd. Of course sen. Craig has voted against pro-gay bills and is a staunch conservative. He is now backtracking and should be finding Jesus any minute now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhiP1h8pMZc&NR=1
If you haven't seen the Miss Carolina video yet take a look at this. (warning: this is a bit painful) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiJBKmOWphs They should stop pretending that pageants care about the intelligence of the contestants: nice face, nice tits, nice ass you win!!! period. Let others concern themselves with the state of education, our beauty pageant contestants are way too busy building their hair, vaselining their teeth and taping their bathing suits.
Where will the next role models come from? Who can meet the demanding job requirements? A musician, devoted family man, baker, or an avid blogger?...maybe all of the above. I'm going to watch the Daily Show now. I think I just beat them to the Larry Craig story by 5 minutes.... phew!!!
Mmm... gay bathroom sex....
Nobody is answering your article cuz blog is broken.
Blob! I'm doing my best to tell you what I think of the egregious barry bonds, but the internets won't let me!!! Tabernaaaaaaaaaaaaacccc!!!
It's working again!!! Woohoo! The two low-lifes to whom you refer, Blobbie, are (obviously) disgusting examples of humans at their worst. However, that does not, in my mind, somehow make the likes of"mr."barry bonds, the world-class cheat, any more acceptable.He, and the cheesey, intellectually-challenged Bud "lite" Selig personify everything that is wrong with Major League Baseball today (this is barry bonds before steroids; here is BARRY BONDS after). We know how much you love baseball, Blob! You should ask yourself how much baseball loves you!! Perhaps your headline for this post could have been, "Maybe Barry Bonds has found two soul-mates". As with "American Pop Culture", you might want to say to Barry, Bud et al:"YER OUT!!!" Grand Old Game my ass!!! Frank Sinatra sang a song called "There used to be a ball-park here". How prescient! How sad!
Blob 2 Vick,Craig 0 (!!!) One creep pleads guilty, the other resigns! FORZA BLOBBO!!! You rock, Blobbie (Except for some fundamentally unsound beliefs about American Pop Culture and Major League Baseball, and an apparent inability to win the big pie-baking contests, you are a positive force in the world!!)!!! Keep up the (mostly) good work!!! I suspect that I speak for the majority of Blob readers when I say that we all sleep just a little better, knowing that you are keeping a cynical, gimlet eye on the world!!!
Thanks Mikexster...SEE, you CAN write coherently when you put your mind to it. As for Vick and Craig, do I know how to call'em or what??!!??
Hello!?!? Is anyone there?? Where is everybody??? Mikester to the Blob! Mikester to Earth!! Come in, please!!!........... Is it possible that The Rapture has occurred, and I am not among The Chosen?!?!?!........... Well; if that's the case, FUCK YOU, Yahweh, or Jehovah or Jebus, or whatever You're calling Yourself this millenium!!! And, while I'm at it, FUCK ALL YOU Chosen Arseholes too!! You're all SOOO SPECIAL!!! Hey!!! Head Turd of the Universe!!!! I'm sure Satan(when I was a young lad at Sunday School, alcohol was referred to as "the devil's urine";((sure am thirsty!!!))) and I can have a pretty good time without You and Your goody-two-shoes, prissy, tight-ass Christian losers getting in the way, thumping your Bibles; God!! you're all SO tiresome !!! And that brings me to the point of this post, Blobbie! You wrote something or other about "nice face, nice tits and nice ass, you win." Under those circumstances, it seems to me we all win, wouldn't you say? Anyhoo, if The Rapture has indeed taken place, I don't have any more time to waste on Ass-kissing, Lord-loving, cauliflower-kneed do-gooders!!! Satan and his hot, hot girl-minions(I love those cloven hooves!) and I have some serious partyin' to attend to!!!!! Yes, it's hot down here, but it's a good kind of hot!!!! :)
Finally, he's gone.
Maria before you get too excited I think Mikexxxster was just visiting Hell and won't be taking up permanent residence for a while yet (unless he's stricken prematurely by "devil's urine". poisoning). While he's gone though, perhaps we can have a little chat...I'm worried about the guy; his meandering, late night rants, a bizarre recurring fantasy about girls with cloven hooves!!, then there's the multiple personality disorder (don't get me started). Maybe it's time for an intervention. Invite him for breakfast tomorrow or tuesday, let me know of the details beforehand but don't let on that I'll be there. It's because we care!!
Dearest Blob. Once again, we're afraid that we must agree to disagree. Yes, late-night rants they may be; meandering and lacking in coherence? We don't think so. Concise and tightly-reasoned, with a logical inevitability is how we would (humbly) describe them. We do admit, however, that cloven hooves might not be everyones "cup of tea". Re multiple personality disorder-only on the internets, Blobbie, only on the internets! There's the famous story about the wonderful, yet prickly and unpredictable jazz saxophonist Stan Getz (who apparently suffered from multiple personality disorder); Zoot Sims, when asked about his colleague, is reported to have said, "Oh yeah! Stan's a great bunch of guys!!" If it ever gets to that point, Blobele, we would most certainly welcome an intervention (well; some of us would!) Yer ol' pals, Mikester, et al.
OK Mikexster, I'm willing to go along with you re the multiple personality disorder but maybe referring to yourself as "WE" is a tad counter-productive. Is it true that back in elementary school at the Christmukkah pageant they let you sing "I Three Kings of Orient Am"?
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